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=====Starting the analyser and NVGate=====
First of all, connect your analyser to the computer and power it on. Then double-click on the NVGate Icon from your desktop. The connection dialog appears. Select operation mode (Connected, Office or multi-instruments).<br>

Here are the different Operating and Analysis modes you can use with OR3X/NVGate.

{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
Select the analyser and click on start.<br><br>
|colspan = "2"|Analysis Modes

The NVGate splash screen will automatically appears.
|Operating modes
|Post analysis


=====Open/create a project=====

NVGate will start and the ''Start ''dialog is proposed:
|<br>D-Rec (Optional)
|Not possible
Note: You can see the current operating mode and some other information in the Status bar on the bottom of the NVGate Window:
This mode is available with the Office or the Connected operating mode.
The Connected operating mode is used to record the signal provided by the inputs and perform real-time analysis (FFT, 1:n Oct….).
The Office operating mode means no instrument is connected. It is the most frequently used to set up and prepare projects and measurements.
====Post analysis====
This mode is available with the Office or the Connected operating mode. It allows computing the saved signals (compute FFT analysis on a recorded signal for example). To use it from the '''Channels''' menu, select '''Post-analysis'''. You should have at least one recorded signal file on your OR3X or PC Hard Drive before using the Post-analysis mode.
The OR3X or the PC Hard Drive (according to your selection) sends the recorded signal through the Player module in order to display the signal on the screen.
The inputs are not accessible anymore; they are replaced by Tracks (find all the information about the recorded channels in the Player module).
'''Note: '''In the post analysis mode, the Front-end is not available anymore.
'''Tip: '''It is also possible to re-record a recorded signal file that either the OR3X or the PC Hard Drive sent through the Player module.
This mode corresponds to the use of NVGate connected to instruments through the Ethernet link. This configuration uses the hardware resources (DSP<nowiki>’</nowiki>s and local hard disk) for On-line analysis as well as Post-analysis.
The available options in connected mode are set up in the instrument license key. The USB dongle license key is not requested to operate this mode.
The Office mode uses exclusively the PC resources (CPU, hard disk) for post-analysis and result exploitation, with no connection to instrument.
The available options in Office mode are set up in the USB dongle. The USB dongle license key is requested to operate this mode.
Both modes (Connected and Office) can be run simultaneously on different PCs allowing independent use of each license key (for example: On-Line acquisition and Office post-analysis).
====On-Line acquisition====
The following synopsis presents the basic structure of the NVGate multi-analyzer architecture for real-time acquisition and analysis. In this mode, OR3X processes parallel analysis with all plug-in analyzers running at the same time (FFT, 1/n Octave, SOA, Recorder…).
The Front-end inputs may be connected to any plug-in analyzer through the channels. There are up to 32 (8 for OR34/OR35 analyzer) channels on each plug-in analyzer. Any input plug-in analyzer channel combination is allowed.
The plug-in analyzers share general resources such as Filters, Events, Time windows
and Tachometers. These resources can be associated with any channel or plug-in analyzer with a centralized set of parameters: for example, by applying filter 1 to channel 1 to 8 of each plug-in analyzer and filter 2 to channels 9 to 16 you can modify filtering characteristics directly from the resource settings.
The Filter builder provides general purpose filters for low pass, high pass, pass band, stop band, integration and differentiation functions that apply to the time domain signals.
For example: distributing Input I to channel 1 to 3, will provide simultaneous analysis of acceleration, velocity and displacement of an accelerometer by applying Integrator filter to channel 2 and double Integrator filter to channel 3.
The Time windows resources allow the modification of force and response weighting windows. For example: associating the force window with channel 1 and the Response window to the rest of channels allows the modification of response characteristics from a single set of parameters in the resource.
The Event Definition resource is used to create an event that can start, stop and trigger plug-in analyzers acquisition. These events can be based on different criteria (DC level, RPM, time…) as well as on results computed by the Monitor (Kurtosis, RMS, DC…). For example: an event based on an input RMS level can be used to start and/or stop the FFT averaging and the Recorder simultaneously by connecting the event to the plug-in analyzer trigger sub-module.
The Waterfall module collects and synchronizes the results computed and provided by the different plug-in analyzers. These results are displayed in segments and can be sorted in relation to selectable references (Time, RPM, DC…). For example: while computing orders, it is possible to track these values by adding them and the Tachometer (the reference) to the Waterfall. You will then be able to display order profiles and switch the reference between time and RPM. It is then possible to add any new result (value or spectrum) or any reference (DC input, 2nd tachometer) to the Waterfall.
====Post analysis====
In the Post analysis mode, the Front-end and Output signals are no longer available. The only source able to provide recorded time signals is the player.
Post analysis features exactly the same functions as the On-Line mode replacing the inputs by the Player tracks. The Player tracks are then connectable to the plug-in analyzer channels and can be used by the resources. Post analysis processing can be performed on the DSP (Connected mode, only for OR36/OR38) as well as on the PC CPU (Office mode). In addition to the Post analysis, it is possible to split the recorded signal files (channels and duration) by re-recording selected channels and time segments in a new signal file.
Post analysis processing time depends directly on the computation load. It may be faster or slower than the real-time analysis. Using the Post analysis accommodates larger requests in terms of computation power. This cannot be achieved in real-time analysis.
If the time signal is located on the PC or on the Mobi-disk<sup>, </sup>it is highly recommended to be in office mode (no instrument connected) in order to avoid low performances and malfunctions.
===Dataset management===
Data management is fully integrated into NVGate. This essential feature of your analyzer provides search & select functions based on the meta-data content of the project manager items.
The objective of OROS Dataset management is to provide self-described data and avoid the constraints of databases organization. The data can be exchanged in any directory in the PC environment (LAN, Disk, USB, etc...).
With OROS Dataset management it is simple to:
* '''Share''' a project, a model or a measurement called ''File 1'', '''without any explanation'''<s>,</s>
* '''Access''' projects, models and measurements from '''any network or local directory''',
* '''Work together''' with your colleagues on a '''common project''',
* '''Filter your data''' environment (project manager, open dialogs) simplifying the data access,
* '''Archive and retrieve''' your complete dataset '''without reminding''' the files names.
* …
====Data organization====
The dataset management proposes a general-purpose data organization based on 3 levels of data:
* The '''''context''''', which holds the ''campaign'' or ''site'' or ''customer'' information. Located in the projects, it does not hold additional data than properties. The context is usually defined by the ''manager'' (test, service and engineering).
* The '''''setup''''', which holds the acquisition and analyses description type. Located in the models, it contains the complete analyzer setup plus properties. The setup is usually defined by the ''experts'' (from your company, a services company, your local support or OROS customer care)
* The '''''measurement''''', which holds the measured/analyzed data and specific measurement details. Located in the measurement, it contains data, setup (workbook) and properties. The measurements are usually generated by the ''operators ''(the one who make the measurements)
Each item holds properties that describe what is not available from the workbook, data and additional files. Properties are fulfilled by users or automatically according to the current context.
The data are located in the NVGate data directories where any type of additional files (pictures, audio, schemes, instructions, etc…) can be associated to detail their description.
The Data organization is used to propagate the properties to the final result; the measurement. The measurement inherits properties from the opened project and the last loaded ''Model''. This allows getting the context and setup correctly described in the measurement.
The heritage benefit is double; first it reduces the information to be fulfilled and secondly it allows sharing the measurement without project or model.
<font color="#0070C0"><u>'''''Properties inheritance'''''</u></font>
The properties are helpful arranging the projects and measurements in coherent sets. NVGate proposes Excel like filtering features to hide unused Item in the project manager.
====Data mining====
The self-description brought by the properties allows easily mining Projects, Models and Measurements in local or shared data storage. Based on properties filters and in-depth scanning, the OROS dataset management features efficient data browsing.
====Data sharing====
Share/Collate functions bring simple ways to exchange Projects, Measurements and Models with your colleagues, customers and managers. Copy/Paste conflicts are silently managed; Projects merge automatically the Measurements and Measurements carry the source Model. Additional non-OROS files are also transported with the NVGate ones.
Data security is guaranteed with copy/move/delete log files and windows like conflicts management.
====Data archiving====
The Share/Collate allows efficiently archiving and retrieving data on your PC, on an external drive or through the network.
The properties are used as meta-data to enrich projects, models and measurements. They are informed while saving the items or by editing the properties from the project manager.
The properties belong to 3 different categories:
* The '''OROS''' properties are automatically informed such as ''Dates'', ''Author'', ''Project'' and ''Saved results type''
* The '''OROS user''' properties are predefined to be informed by the user: Comments, Site, Installation, Intervention, Measurement type, UUT, Serial number
* The '''Users '''properties are created and filled by the operator while saving or by editing the properties. Ex: ''Customer name'', ''Transducer type''
<font color="#0070C0"><u>'''''Suggested properties usages'''''</u></font>
While saving data (Project, Model or Measurement) the save dialog box proposes the following layout (same for Project, Model and Measurement):
On the left side the Item<nowiki>’</nowiki>s name and the comments. Current Project and Model comments will inherit to the Measurements.
On the right side the OROS user and User properties. Current Project and Mode properties will inherit to the Measurements.
===Starting NVGate===
Click on the NVGate Icon from your desktop. The connection dialog appears. Select operation mode (Connected, Office or multi-instruments) See page 20 for details
Click on start.
<font color="#0070C0">
</font>====Open/create a project====
When you launch NVGate, the ''Start ''dialog is proposed:

This dialog is also available from the ribbon Home/Start/Start
<u>Selecting ''Open Project''</u> opens the ''Open Project'' dialog which behaves as the single Item selection.

Here we will create a new project :  

Select your project and click ''Open'' button.
This window is also accessible from the [[NVGate Ribbons: Home Tab|NVGate Ribbon]].<br><br>
This will open the "New Project" definition window. Fill up the necessary properties and comment to describe the context of this project. Check the ''Load setup'' box and click on the ''Ok ''button.

<u>Selecting ''New project''</u> opens the following dialog:

=====Load the configuration=====
This will open the ''Load setup'' window. This window allows you to load the configuration from a pre-saved model, a previous measurement, create a new setup or opening a signal for post-analysis. Here we want to setup a new configuration, we will select ''New On-Line'' : <br>

Fulfill the necessary properties and comment to describe the context of this project and click on ''Ok ''button.
=====Select the inputs=====
Once you click ''Load'', the input setup window appears :

====Select a setup====
In both above ''open project'' cases, the project is opened, no setup is loaded. The Setup is loaded further this first action. There are few ways to load a setup prior being ready for acquisition and analyses.

<u>Check the ''Load setup'' box</u> in the ''open project'' dialog in order to select the setup while exiting the ''Open project'' one.
This window can be called anytime from the ''[[NVGate_GoToResult|GoToResult]]''. See [[NVGate_GoToResult#Step_1:_Inputs_selection|Input selection]] for the detail of the parameters.<br><br>

Use the ''Home/Setup/Load'' ribbon button.
As we use 2 accelerometers, select check the "Acceleration" boxes for inputs 1 and 2, and select the appropriate sensors in the "Transducer" column for each inputs. If you don't see your specific sensors, please fill your [[NVGate Transducer and Calibration|transducer database]].

The load setup dialog behaves as a single Item selection. It allows loading setups from ''Models'' ''Measurements'' and ''Projects'' or creating setups for on-line or post-analysis:

To add the inputs into the [[NVGate Recorder|recorder]], check the ''Record signals'' box :
By doing this, any inputs (even if added later) will automatically be connected to the [[NVGate Recorder|recorder plug-in]].

While in ''Model'' or ''Measurement load'', the details section (right bottom side) shows which results are saved by the selected setup.
=====Edit the Sampling Rate=====
The sampling rate is the rate to which the signals will be sampled by the analyzer. This will define the maximum frequency that can be analyzed during the online analysis or in post-analysis on the recorded signals. However, a higher sampling rate will need more computational power. You may choose a sampling rate that is twice the highest frequency you want to analyze.

<u>Load a Model:</u> Loaded ''Models'' offer additional features;
To edit the sample rate, do a right click on the sampling case.
[[File:change sampling.png|700px]]<br>

* Model properties will inherit to the measurements
Here we have a 25,6kS/sec that allow us to analyze the data up to 10kHz.
* Loaded Model name reminded in the Ribbon; ''Home/Setup'' with the
icon. This Model will remain active until a reset setup
is applied or another setup is loaded.
* When the measurements are shared out of NVGate or collated to NVGate the associated model will be transferred with the measurement.
* Loaded Model can be modified to adjust to current situation. The modified setup is saved in the Measurement, but the original Model remains unmodified. This allows providing predefined setups which are not modified by specific usage (adjustments, operator<nowiki>’</nowiki>s error, etc.) ensuring reproducibility.
* You can modify and save the setup with the ''Home/Setup/save as model'' button
. Associated model properties will be proposed in the ''save as model'' dialog. This allows updating an existng ''Model''s keeping its properties.
<u>Load a Measurement<nowiki>’</nowiki>s setup: </u>The setup used to generate the results of the selected ''Measurement'' will be reloaded.

This feature allows reproducing faithfully existing measurements for prototyping fine tuning or trend analyses. OROS recommends saving all repeated measurements in the same project.
=====Setup the analysis=====
Once the inputs are correctly declared, click on ''Results'' to setup the analysis :

<u>Create a setup</u> from scratch: This is available for real-time (''New on-line'') or post-analysis (''New Post-analysis''). Both options will reset the current setup to default values before building the new setup. See Tutorial chapter in this manual to learn how to setup NVGate for analysis and post-analysis
This will open the ''[[NVGate_GoToResult#Step_2_Show_results|Results]]'' window :

====Pre-defined setups====
OROS provides various predefined models that contains basic and advanced setup examples of analysis. These setups are available from the Load Model dialog.

This setup contains customized items:
This window can be called anytime from the ''[[NVGate_GoToResult#GoToResult|GoToResult]]'' icons. See the [[NVGate_GoToResult#Step_2_Show_results|Show result section]] for detail about this window. <br>

* Front-end setup
=====Displaying the FFT analysis=====
* Analysis setup
We will now display the [[NVGate FFT|average spectrum]] for the two inputs :
* Layouts
* Save setup
* Control panel
Select the ''Tree view ''in the Load setup dialog to see the directories using the ''Flat/tree ''button


Once you selected the result you want to display, click on [[Image:DisplayButton.png]] to display the graph in the current [[NVGate_Project_manager#Layout|layout]].<br>
Make sure you checked the box ''Save displayed results'' to save the result at the end of the measurement.<br><br>

<font color="#0070C0"><u>'''''Tree view'''''</u></font>
The [[NVGate_Display#Display_Window|FFT graph]] window now appear in the current [[NVGate_Project_manager#Layout|layout]] :

'''Quick''' directory contains setups of the instrument for either post-processing or on-line analysis.
=====Setting up the FFT analysis=====
We can now setup the FFT to optimise the analysis. To access to the setup parameters, click on ''settings'' in the ''Show result'' window :

The mapped directory is the quick directory in the workbook library which is defined in the NVGate Environment paths. Default is: ''C:\OROS\NVGate data\Workbook Library\Quick\.'' It is possible to add additional models in this directory according to your organization chart.
Here, the maximum speed of the motor is 2000RPM. That make the first order at 2000/60 = 33Hz and the tenth order at 330Hz. In order to optimize the computation, we will then limit the FFT bandwidth to 5kHz, the overlap to 67% and the number of lines to 1601 to have a correct precision.

Quick Models name defines the characteristics of the corresponding analyses:
You can then press ''OK'' to close this window. For details about the parameters, please visit the [[NVGate FFT]] page.

=====Adding Order Profile=====
We can now setup and display the order profile. To do this, select the ''[[NVGate Synchronous Order Analysis|Sync. order 1]]'' tab of the ''[[NVGate_GoToResult#Step_2_Show_results|Result]]'' window.

* AAA is the analysis mode (FFT, REC, ORD, etc..)
* M is the mode: O=On-line, P=Post-analysis
* W is present for waterfall results (profile, 3D)
* N is the number of channels
======Advanced Models======
This directory shows applications-oriented examples.

The mapped directory is the advanced directory in the workbook library which is defined in the NVGate Environment paths. Default is: ''C:\OROS\NVGate data\Workbook Library\advanced\.''
Here, we want to display the first two [[NVGate_Synchronous_Order_Analysis#Profile|orders profile]] for each input. To do so, select the ''profile'' tab, and select '''Order & Overall''' under ''Result'' and '''Acceleration''' (that will select the 2 acceleration channels) under ''input''. To track the 2 first orders, you can simply enter '''1''' and '''2''' under the ''Tracked Order'' section.<br>

======User<nowiki>’</nowiki>s models======
Finally click on [[Image:DisplayButton.png]]to display:
This directory holds the Models saved by the users of the NVGate installed in the current PC.

====Direct setup====
From a preset model, an existing setup or from scratch the measurement setup (Front-end, analysis, display and save) is available from the ''GotoResults'' windows. This set of dialogs come as an additional layer on NVGate interface. The background interface remains accessible (Clickable) while these dialogs are visible

=====Setup buttons=====
The [[NVGate_Display#Profile|profile graph]] is now displayed on the current [[NVGate_Project_manager#Layout|layout]] along with the [[NVGate_Display#Spectral|FFT spectrum graph]] :
Access to the ''GoToResults'' windows is continuously available from the NVGate bottom bar.

The 2 first buttons control the visibility of the corresponding windows ''Inputs selection'' and ''Show results''. Click once to show the window, click again to hide it. The 3<sup>rd</sup> button only opens the ''Results overview''.
[[Image:Complete setup.png|700px|none]]<br>

We will now need to add and declare the tachometer. To do so, select ''Add : Ext. Sync. 1'' under ''Tachometer'' :
And set the threshold, coupling and Pulse/rev as recommended for your sensor :

These 3 buttons show the windows described below.
Please visit [[NVGate_Tachometer#Ext._Tach| the external sync tachometer page]] for more details.

=====Inputs selection=====
=====Displaying the recorder=====
In order to have a complete view of the measurement, you can display the recording of the raw signals by clicking on ''View recording'' .
Available from both the bottom bar and ''Home\Start\Select Inputs'' this window allows selecting the inputs to be used and setups their acquisition.

Hide the window by clicking on its control button, closing the window (up-right red cross), clicking on the ''Results'' button to show the next window.

=====Performing and saving the measurement=====
The ''Inputs selection'' window '''allows access to the other items of the NVGate''' '''interface''' (ex: ''check ICP, Autorange'', change sampling frequencies, graphs…) while it remains open.
We will now perform the measurement during a run-up of the motor. To do so, put the motor at its lowest speed, start the acquisition by clicking on [[Image:RunIcon.png]], and then stop it with [[Image:StopIcon.png]] once you reached the top speed. You will see the graph updating with the last result.<br>

The save measurement window will then be opened. You can fill it with the maximum of information to help ease archiving and the sharing of the data:
=====Project manager=====

The actions in this window apply immediately to the analysis, there is no possible cancel. In the same way actions in other parts of NVGate are immediately reflected in this window.
And you can find the saved data under the Project name in the [[NVGate Project manager|Project Manager]] :
The red area represents the [[NVGate Recorder|recorded temporal raw data]], the green area the [[NVGate FFT Analyzer|FFT]] results and the blue area the [[NVGate Synchronous Order Analysis|Order tracking results]].

This window manages dynamic inputs only. For using parametric, CAN or ext. synch inputs, one should use the acquisition tab of the ribbon.

The acquisition is now complete and the results are displayed .  
The Inputs selection window allows activating and setting-up the dynamic inputs in a fast and smart way. Inputs are activated and set to a physical quantity when the corresponding check box is clicked.

=====Display overview=====
This table allows selecting one or multiple cells in an Excel like mode, using '''mouse drag'''''',''' '''keyboard arrows''' and '''SHIFT/CTRL''' keys. After edition, the focus is automatically set to the next cell for continuous operation with the keyboard:

{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Exit key
|Left arrow
|Right arrow
|Up arrow
|Down arrow
|Next cell
Editing a cell or a group of cells is direct, '''no need to double click''', '''simply enter the values''' or initials for combo boxes. Hit the <nowiki><</nowiki>Space<nowiki>></nowiki> key to open the combo with the current selection. This allows using the keyboard only while setting cells in a column or a line.
======Add physical quantities======
The 3 basic physical quantities (Voltage, Acceleration and Acoustic pressure) used in noise and vibration are proposed as default. '''Changing one input physical quantity will add a new column''' with this physical quantity.
In addition to the basics and active physical quantity, the columns also show the physical quantities of deactivated inputs. '''This is useful to add default physical quantities to your models'''.
The list of possible transducers is '''adjusted to the input physical quantity'''. Ex: if an input is set to acoustic pressure, only a microphones<nowiki>’</nowiki> list is proposed.
======Sampling & groups======
The sampling setting is new. It '''defines the recording sampling and the analysis bandwidth for each group of inputs'''. The groups correspond to the inputs physical quantities. See the ''Autobandwidth'' chapter for more details
There are 2 samplings, ''High'' and ''Low''. Each sampling can be adjusted from the table with ''Right click -<nowiki>></nowiki> Change -<nowiki>></nowiki> Select new sampling.''
'''Changing the sampling of one input will apply to all input in the same group'''. For applying different samplings to inputs with same physical quantity, use the ASB.
Sampling settings are also available from the ribbon Measurement\Front-end\High Samp. and Low Samp. and from the Front-end Module in the Analysis Setting Browser.
======Record signals======
Check this box to '''ensure the recording of all active inputs'''. This includes the DC inputs (parametric), the Ext Sync. and the CAN ones.
Unchecking this box just set the recorder to off. The inputs remain set in the recorder. This is helpful to '''temporarily&nbsp;pause the inputs recording'''; especially on setup fine tuning.
The Record signal is also available from the ribbon Measurement\Front-end\Records signal. And from the show results window.
All instances of this setting work in the same way. Wiith this method, the recorder signals are not automatically displayed.
A new button is available to '''monitor temporarily or continuously the signal:''' ''Measurement\Control\View recording''. '''It opens the signal monitoring window on top of the current layout'''. In the case of this window is already open in another layout, it swaps to this layout.
======Access to all======
By default, the window shows only the basic settings. In order to get the full columns, '''flyover the right side of the table and click on the grayed arrow'''.
Same with the left arrow to return to the basic view.
''Inputs selection'' window works on both on-line and post-analysis modes.
=====Show results=====
Available from both the bottom bar or directly following the ''Inputs Selection'' window, this window allows '''displaying and saving results from activated inputs'''.
Hide the window by clicking on its control button closing the window (up-right red cross) or by clicking on its corresponding button in the NVGate bottom bar.
The ''Show results'' window '''allows access to the other items of the NVGate interface''' (''Add/Change layout, Setup tachometer''…) while it remains open.
The actions in this window apply immediately to the analysis, there is no cancel possible from this window. In the same way, actions in other parts of NVGate are immediately reflected in this window.
This window manages  to connect and display result from FFTx, SOAx, OCT plug-ins only. For results from TDA and OVA, one should use the ''Acqusition\Inputs\Connect inputs'' button followed by the ''Display/Graphs''\''Windows\Add/Remove'' one from the ribbon.
======Show results======
The Show ''results'' window allows displaying and saving results without connecting inputs or tracks to the plug-in analyzers in advance.
Results to be displayed are selected as follows:
Select the plug-in which calculates the results,
2. select the results<nowiki>’</nowiki> familly between:
* ''Main'' is for results imediatelly provided by the analysis like the trigger blocks, RPM, spectra, FRFs, …
* ''Profile'' is for scalar profiles like order tracking, acoustic level, RPM profiles, …
* ''Waterfall ''is for 3D results.
3. Select the result type,
4. select the Inputs/Tracks to be displayed. This list '''gathers the sources in groups according to their physical quantities'''. One can develop the group for partial selection.
Go. Use the ''Show'' button to display your selection. This button operates in 2 ways:
* <u>Add a new window</u> in the current layout with the selected results by clicking the button
* Drag & Drop the button to an existing window of the current layout to <u>add the selected results in this window</u>.
Cross functions (FRFs, ORFs, Coherence, etc..) are selected through the bottom right area. The references are displayed as the inputs/tracks using the physical quantity group. There is no need to predefine the cross function from the Plug-in settings.
======Orders and overall======
For order tracking, the Show results window features a fast and simple order selection mode. While selecting order-based result, one can enter the chosen orders in the bottom right area of the window.
Values are entered directly using the keyboard; The Enter and up/down keys will navigate to next or previous lines in the list.
If the plug-in channels show different orders to track for one line, "Mixed" will be displayed.
======Save results======
Results to be saved (i.e. added to the save selection list) are selected as for showing it.
There are 3 ways to save the results:
* Manually by using the save button.      This will add the selected results to the save selection.
Automatically and continuously, by checking the Save displayed results check box at the bottom of the window. This will continuously add the displayed results to the save selection. Results remain in the save selection list, even if they are removed from the layout.
Automatically once by using Measurement\Save\Add All Results button from the ribbon. This button acts like the save all display result but only at once.
* This button is grayed            when all displayed results are already in the save selection
* When the Save displayed results is active, this button shows
The bottom half of the window allows adjusting the selected plug-in parameters and triggering.
1. This button opens the active plug-in properties. NB: it is also possible to access it from the ribbon while the window is open. Helpful with the directly available main settings.
2. Click here to open the ''Events connection'' window, where one can '''associate event with plug-ins<nowiki>’</nowiki> Start, stop or trigger'''.
3. Activate the plug-in tach with this combo box. The tachometer properties will be proposed just after selecting the tach. The corresponding input (dynamic, or ext. synch) is automatically activated. <br>NB: The selected tachometer is associated with the plug-in. For profile and waterfall results, the corresponding tachometer is showed as: XXX tach (ex. FFT1 tach, or SOA2 tach)
4. Click on the engine tachometer icon to setup the delta RPM for scheduled analyses with ''Profiles'' and ''Waterfalls''.
=====Results overview=====
Available from the bottom bar. This window '''shows a synthetic table of the displayed and saved results'''. Close the window by clicking on its control button closing the window (up-right red cross).
The table summarizes all the displayed and saved result (i.e. present in the Save Selection list), by:
* Plug-ins
* Type of results
* Groups (i.e. Physical quantity)
The 2 columns at the right, indicate what is done with each set of results. ''Show'' for the displayed results and ''Save'' for the to-be-saved results.
The check boxes have 3 possible status:
Checked, means all the inputs with these type and physical quantity, calculated by the plug-in are saved and/or displayed.
Unchecked, means none of the inputs with these type and physical quantity, calculated by the plug-in are saved and/or displayed.
Partial, means only a part of the inputs with these type and physical quantity, calculated by the plug-in are saved and/or displayed.
One can check and uncheck the ''Save'' column boxes. Partial status boxes change to checked or unchecked only.
It is possible to check the results one by one with the ''Save Selection'' window by clicking on the corresponding button at the bottom-right of the window
NVGate V11.00 manages the (post-)analysis and recording bandwidths automatically.
The new ''Inputs selection'' window '''allows the use of 2 different sampling rates for the dynamic inputs'''. It gathers inputs with the same physical quantity into groups, maintaining the same sampling into each group.
When inputs are associated with '''the analysis plug-in, it adjusts its analysis bandwidth to match the inputs ones'''. Mixing input bandwidths in one analysis plug-in lead to set its bandwidth to the lowest one.
''Autobandwidth'' is set by default in the concerned plug-ins.
When inputs are associated with the recorder, it adjusts the recording bandwidths channel by channel.
Deactivating the recorder<nowiki>’</nowiki>s ''Autobandwidth'' allows managing the dynamic inputs sampling from the recorder. Out of the case of recording signal at lower frequency than the analysis, it is recommended to keep the recorder ''Autobandwidth'' active.
======FFTx, TDA & OCT Plug-ins======
Each of these plug-ins proposes a setting that '''adjusts the analysis bandwidth'''.
* FFT\FFT Analysis\Range
* 1/n octave\CPB filters\Upper central freq.
* Time Domain\Analysis\ Range
These settings are available from manual setup if the ''Autobandwith'' is disabled.
When it is enabled in the plug-in, these settings '''switch to informative status''' (or hidden for the recorder) and '''are automatically set'''.
======SOA & OVA Plug-ins======
'''These plug-in analyzers are not compatible with Autobandwidth functions:'''
The SOA plug-in manages its upper analysis frequency according to the ''Max order'' and ''Max speed'' settings: ''Upper frequency = Max speed/60 * Max order. ''The SOA ''Upper frequency'' is limited by the ''High sampling'' of the front-end or by the ''Max bandwidth'' of the Player in post-analysis.
The OVA plug-in doesn<nowiki>’</nowiki>t manage any analysis bandwidth. It analyses the signals at the high sampling of the front end or the ''Max bandwidth'' of the Player in post-analysis.
For the FFT, OCT, TDA, & Recorder, the ''Player/Selected record/Max bandwidth'' is ignored. The plug-ins<nowiki>’</nowiki> bandwidths are '''adjusted as in on-line mode'''.
SOA and OVA plug-in will operate as in previous version. These plug-ins will accept the signals with the same bandwidth as the ''Max bandwidth'' of the Player only.
===Interface description===
The Vision interface gathers the analyzers functionalities in simple, clear and easy to identify tabs organized according to the main operations (First steps, measuring, results edition, configuration build-up, automation, general setup etc…).
Key features have been emphasized by the Vision interface, guiding the users to the best way using their OROS 3-Series analyzer.
=====Tab & groups=====
The new interface layer features 7 standard tabs (optional tab are also visibles). Each tab contains a set of groups which gathers settings, info and buttons about one topic (e.g. disk, FFT or transducers).
The groups contain buttons, setting and check boxes of different types:
'''Buttons: ''' Left click on it leads to an action or opens a dialog box.
for auto scale or
for inputs connection
'''Status buttons: ''' These buttons work like the standard ones but they can be activated or de-activated. They are used for changing a state. An activated button is slightly darkened.
that switches between '''on-line''' and '''post-analysis''' modes,<br> or''' '''
''' '''for '''enabling the marker''' manipulations.
'''Settings: '''Provide a direct access to one of the ASB setting. Allow to continuously check the setup.
for a numerical setting,
'''for a '''Boolean''' (check box),
for a selection in a list
'''Multi-actions: ''' These buttons work as the standard ones but it is possible to select their action from a list. ''' '''When an action item is selected from the list, it becomes the default action of the button, the icon is changed.
Examples are: Marker, or User selection.
'''Status buttons: ''' These buttons change and show the status of the active element (windows, trace, etc..). Selecting one of the items in their list will apply this status to the active element. The status buttons change depending on the applied changes to the element (or change of element). It is useful to monitor and see immediately in what state is a 3D or the active user for example.
'''Note''': The buttons are highlighted when the mouse pointer pass over an active button.
=====FIle Menu=====
A unique "File" menu is available on upper left for input/output file operation. It allows loading/saving setups and provides access to the on-line help.
=====Status bar=====
At the bottom of the screen a fixed status bar maintains a continuous monitoring of the inputs and analysis:
=====On line help on Vision ribbons=====
The content of the Vision™ ribbons are connected to the on-line help.
In order to get help from one of the Vision elements, activate the help mode by clicking on the upper right question mark. The cursor switches to a pointer <nowiki>+</nowiki> question mark. Then click on the desired item. The corresponding page of the reference manual will be opened.
Note that the latest pdf reader software is supported with NVGate: Acrobat reader 32 or 64 bits and Acrobat and any other pdf reader. The ability to open the manual at the corresponding pages is supported by Adobe™ products only. OROS recommend using acrobat reader using the on-line help functionality.
=====Minimize ribbon and full screen=====
In order to gain space on the NVGate screen during acquisition and analysis the NVGate ribbon can be minimized. It operates like in the MS Office suite:
Use the upper right arrow to minimize or reset the ribbon size. When the ribbon is minimized the tab header remains visible. Their content is accessible by clicking on the corresponding tab header. The full screen function has been improved. It hides the application top bar as well as the windows bottom bar.
=====Log window=====
In the Home tab, tick/untick the Log window
to show/hide the Log window (Analyzer settings, Warning and Macro Trace information).
======Analyzer Settings======
The Log Window shows all the changes made to the modules (Front-end, Filter builder, Monitor, FFT x, etc.) in the ASB.
Some setting values need to be adjusted when another setting value is modified. So when you change a setting value in the ASB (new value: ...) which may affect another setting value, the Log window marks the changes made by the analyzer (adjusted to: ...).
1. Right click on this area:
2. Select Copy (to paste a setup in a text document for example)
3. Clear the display in the Analyzer Settings tab.
The Warning tab shows any unauthorized operations you have carried out or errors reported by NVGate®.
1. Right click on this area:
2. Select Copy (to paste a setup in a text document for example)
3. Clear the display in the Warning tab.
Macro Trace
The Macro Trace tab shows the operations (the start and stop macro execution, errors) made in the macro mode.
Warnings do not stop macro execution but major errors will.
1. Right click on this area:
2. Clear the display in the Macro Trace tab.
'''Tip:''' double clicking on the error icon in the Macro Trace tab will open the Macro Editor on the failed command.
The workspace is a dockable tab on the left part of the NVGAte interface it holds 3 main themes of the analyzer interface.
Analyzer Setting Browser (ASB)
The analyzer is controlled through a tree of settings called the Analyzer Setting Browser (ASB). This tree consists of a set of modules that allows to setup the signal acquisition, play back and processes.
'''Note''': The "information" icon
may be found next to a setting. It means you cannot change the setting value.
'''Tip''': When using the right click on any item from the ASB, you can copy the value(s) contained in the selection (it can be a module, collection, sub-module or just a setting) and paste it (them) into another item which contains compatible value(s). It is also possible to drag and drop a scalar type setting
from the ASB to a displayed window (for example the center frequency of the FFT Zoom).
======Ways of editing a setting======
Right click on an item and select '''Properties. '''You can check your setup and also change the settings in real time by double-clicking on the cell you want to change. The drop-down menu or the mouse wheel can also be used.
A setting can be set to its default value by right-clicking on it and by selecting '''Set to default'''.
======Analyzer states======
In the analyzer Setting Browser, you can find the analyzer states icons. They were made to show you visually the state of each plug-in analyzer at the same time. Follow the icon descriptions:
The plug-in analyzer is stopped
The plug-in analyzer is running
The plug-in analyzer is paused
The plug-in analyzer is recording
The plug-in analyzer is waiting for a trigger: defined Event or Manual (
The plug-in analyzer is waiting for the user answer: Accept (
) or Reject (
) the signal
The plug-in analyzer is failed (the analyzer is not able to do the data acquisition anymore; a warning message will appear)
There are 4 types of modules:
The sources that acquire store and play back signals
The resources that provide events, filters, weighting windows, and tachometers to the plug-in analyzers
The plug-in analyzers that process independent analysis modes
The Waterfall that synchronizes the results computed by the plug-ins
The modules contain different functions located on '''sub-modules'''.
A '''collection'''
is a box that contains a group of sub-modules of the same type (inputs, filters, channels, etc.). The sub-modules of collection can be active (visible) or inactive (hidden). Right click on it to add/remove channels.
The '''settings''' are inside the sub-modules. The ASB has a maximum depth of 3 levels: module, sub-module and setting. In the case of multiple similar sub-modules (inputs for example), the user sets his analyzer simply by changing the settings. The settings are grouped in families:
* The scalar settings
are every numerical value which can be entered from the keyboard.
* The label settings
are every character string which can be entered from the keyboard.
* The enumerated settings
are a selection of an item from a list (items are character strings or numbers).
* The Table setting is a group of values
* The Matrix setting is selection of a matrix<nowiki>’</nowiki>s intersections
* The Boolean setting
allows activating or deactivating functions (inputs, auto-calibration, zoom…)
=====Project Manager=====
The Project Manager is used to store all your projects, results and measurements…. There are several display options that enable you to show or hide certain items.
'''Tip''':''' '''you can drag and drop any type of result from the Project Manager to the windows top to display the result window.
The Project Manager is made up of 3 main parts: the '''Workbook''', the '''Project''' and the '''Measurement'''.
In front of the projects and measurements item, 2 small icon may be present:  e.g:
* The icon
indicates if a project/measurement contains a signal file.
* The icon
indicates if a project/measurement contains results.
=====Control panel=====
The configurable Workspace area provides quick access to settings and/or ASB status. It looks similar to the "Favorites" in Internet Explorer. The settings can be classified into customizable tabs.
'''Tip:''' a setting from the ASB can be added to the Control Panel by right clicking the setting in the ASB and select Add to Control Panel.
The control panel is a part of the Workspace. It is used to control the measurement process. It is user-customizable and saved in the current project. Customization can be reached by right clicking on the Control Panel or from the '''Tools '''tab and Customize.
'''Tip:''' Use drag and drop to add a setting from a place to another. The destination tab must be compatible with the setting you try to add to.
Different windows which contain one or several graphs or traces can be created. You can also add or remove some information in the Infotrace using the Infotrace properties. Manage all the display settings using the right click on almost any area. For each result type there are different available options using the right click.
=====Multi-graphs windows=====
A graph is the area where traces are displayed. A multi-graph window contains several graphs which display signal from the same source or plug-in analyzer. The graphs can be displayed with different physical quantities.
You can display several traces in the same graph. You can also display in multi-trace 3D mode.
Multi-traces display is not available for Waterfall displays.
The trace represents a signal or a result.
The cursor is displayed when cursor mode is selected: Used to move the cursor by left clicking and dragging.
from the Measurement tab in the Graphs group in order to activate the cursor mode.
Select a type of marker from the Display/Graphs tab in the Markers group in order to activate the marker mode.
To add a marker on a graph, double click on the graph. Obtain information about a trace by using the marker table.
The scale displays the magnitude and the grid of the graph.
Displays information about the graph:
'''Graph mode''': magnitude, real…
'''List of traces with their status''': available or not/displayed in all areas or not/not displayed. You can move into the ''infotrace'' to select a specific trace and to follow cursor<nowiki>’</nowiki>s value of this trace. Memorized traces are also displayed in the list.
* '''Overall levels''': displays the RMS level in 2D windows containing spectra or time signals
* '''Cursor information''': x,y, order, dx, dy if available
* Marker arrays
Using keyboard arrow up/down, you can select the active trace in the ''infotrace''.

=====Contextual menus=====
=====Contextual menus=====
Right click on the graph provides access to the scale, zooms and X/Z axis references of the current graph.
Right click on the graph provides access to the scale, zooms and X/Z axis references of the current graph.


Right click on the window to access the local windows properties and actions on the contained traces.
Right click on the window to access the local windows properties and actions on the contained traces.


Right click on the ''infotrace'' allows customization of the displayed information.
Right click on the ''infotrace'' allows customization of the displayed information.

Congratulation you have done you're first measurement with NVGate.
The [[NVGate_Ribbons:_Home_Tab|home tab]], let you a quick access to all this settings, and more! :


Latest revision as of 09:34, 4 April 2022

Starting the analyser and NVGate

First of all, connect your analyser to the computer and power it on. Then double-click on the NVGate Icon from your desktop. The connection dialog appears. Select operation mode (Connected, Office or multi-instruments).


Select the analyser and click on start.

The NVGate splash screen will automatically appears.

Open/create a project

NVGate will start and the Start dialog is proposed:

Usersmanual 103.png

Here we will create a new project :


This window is also accessible from the NVGate Ribbon.

This will open the "New Project" definition window. Fill up the necessary properties and comment to describe the context of this project. Check the Load setup box and click on the Ok button.


Load the configuration

This will open the Load setup window. This window allows you to load the configuration from a pre-saved model, a previous measurement, create a new setup or opening a signal for post-analysis. Here we want to setup a new configuration, we will select New On-Line :

Select the inputs

Once you click Load, the input setup window appears :


This window can be called anytime from the GoToResult. See Input selection for the detail of the parameters.

As we use 2 accelerometers, select check the "Acceleration" boxes for inputs 1 and 2, and select the appropriate sensors in the "Transducer" column for each inputs. If you don't see your specific sensors, please fill your transducer database.


To add the inputs into the recorder, check the Record signals box :


By doing this, any inputs (even if added later) will automatically be connected to the recorder plug-in.

Edit the Sampling Rate

The sampling rate is the rate to which the signals will be sampled by the analyzer. This will define the maximum frequency that can be analyzed during the online analysis or in post-analysis on the recorded signals. However, a higher sampling rate will need more computational power. You may choose a sampling rate that is twice the highest frequency you want to analyze.

To edit the sample rate, do a right click on the sampling case.

Change sampling.png

Here we have a 25,6kS/sec that allow us to analyze the data up to 10kHz.

Setup the analysis

Once the inputs are correctly declared, click on Results to setup the analysis :


This will open the Results window :


This window can be called anytime from the GoToResult icons. See the Show result section for detail about this window.

Displaying the FFT analysis

We will now display the average spectrum for the two inputs :


Once you selected the result you want to display, click on DisplayButton.png to display the graph in the current layout.
Make sure you checked the box Save displayed results to save the result at the end of the measurement.

The FFT graph window now appear in the current layout :



Setting up the FFT analysis

We can now setup the FFT to optimise the analysis. To access to the setup parameters, click on settings in the Show result window : SettingFFT.png

Here, the maximum speed of the motor is 2000RPM. That make the first order at 2000/60 = 33Hz and the tenth order at 330Hz. In order to optimize the computation, we will then limit the FFT bandwidth to 5kHz, the overlap to 67% and the number of lines to 1601 to have a correct precision. ModSettingFFT.png

You can then press OK to close this window. For details about the parameters, please visit the NVGate FFT page.

Adding Order Profile

We can now setup and display the order profile. To do this, select the Sync. order 1 tab of the Result window.


Here, we want to display the first two orders profile for each input. To do so, select the profile tab, and select Order & Overall under Result and Acceleration (that will select the 2 acceleration channels) under input. To track the 2 first orders, you can simply enter 1 and 2 under the Tracked Order section.

Finally click on DisplayButton.pngto display:


The profile graph is now displayed on the current layout along with the FFT spectrum graph :

Complete setup.png

We will now need to add and declare the tachometer. To do so, select Add : Ext. Sync. 1 under Tachometer :


And set the threshold, coupling and Pulse/rev as recommended for your sensor :


Please visit the external sync tachometer page for more details.

Displaying the recorder

In order to have a complete view of the measurement, you can display the recording of the raw signals by clicking on View recording .

View recording2022.png

Performing and saving the measurement

We will now perform the measurement during a run-up of the motor. To do so, put the motor at its lowest speed, start the acquisition by clicking on RunIcon.png, and then stop it with StopIcon.png once you reached the top speed. You will see the graph updating with the last result.

The save measurement window will then be opened. You can fill it with the maximum of information to help ease archiving and the sharing of the data:


Project manager

And you can find the saved data under the Project name in the Project Manager :


The red area represents the recorded temporal raw data, the green area the FFT results and the blue area the Order tracking results.


The acquisition is now complete and the results are displayed .

Display overview
Usersmanual 165.jpg
Contextual menus

Right click on the graph provides access to the scale, zooms and X/Z axis references of the current graph.

Usersmanual 167.jpg

Right click on the window to access the local windows properties and actions on the contained traces.

Usersmanual 168.jpg

Right click on the infotrace allows customization of the displayed information.

Usersmanual 169.jpg


Congratulation you have done you're first measurement with NVGate.

The home tab, let you a quick access to all this settings, and more! :
