NVGate Specification

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The following official specifications concern NVGate® software for OR10, OR34, OR35, OR36, OR38 and Mobi-Pack® multi-analyzer instruments. These specifications apply for on-line analysis and post analysis with or without the instrument connected to the PC. This specification applies for NVGate version 12 or upper and Teamwork instruments.


NVGate® software is based on a general-purpose platform where optional analysis modules called plug-in analyzers are added.

The FFT plug-in features specific add-on for specialized analysis.


NVGate® platform provides a comprehensive set of tools for noise and vibration acquisition, recording and analysis.

These functions are arranged in 4 parts:

  • Signal sources that condition, provide and store time domain signals.
  • Shared resources that apply simultaneously or independently on distributed signal to plug-in analyzers.
  • Operational tools that increase measurement efficiency and reliability.
  • General-purpose analysis for monitoring and result tracking.
Signal sources


Controls dynamic inputs, generators, external synchronization/tach. input and parametric (DC) inputs.


Record and store time domain signal on analyzer or PC hard disc. Records dynamic, parametric (DC) and ext. synch/tach inputs with multiple frequencies.


Visualize, listen, playback on output or generate signals for post-analysis purpose. Based on recorded or imported time domain signal file.
Shared resources


High/low pass, Band/Stop pass, single and double integrator, differentiator, A and C acoustic laws


Edge detection, DC levels, Delta DC levels, RPM, Delta RPM, Manual, Time period, combinations.

Weighting windows

Programmable Force and response, Hanning, Hamming, Kaiser Bessel, flat-top, uniform.


Compute RPM from ext. sync and input pulses, DC, CAN. Fractional, simulated and combined tach.
Operational tools

Transducers management

Automatic calibration, database management, calibration history, automatic setup of inputs, TEDS management.


Mask editor for spectra, profiles, 1/n octave, order spectra


On-line report editor, automated report generation, word or Excel files.
Automation tools Macros, sequence from Excel® sheet, alarms based on mask comparison, customizable control panel, restricted user profiles, remote controller interface.
General purpose analysis


4 channels FFT analyzer with input hot swap. Statistical extraction (RMS, Max, Min, Kurtosis) from time domain with programmable band-pass filter.


Synchronized stack for 2D (spectra) and scalar (order, overall). 3D, color map and profiles displays. Extraction capabilities.

NVGate® Plug-ins analyzers

In addition to the standard functions featured in the software platform, NVGate® can receive additional plug-in analyzers that offer flexible configuration of independent analysis modes.

FFT Fast Fourier Transform - Time to Frequency conversion with multiple average domains, combinable trigger, zooms and cross functions. General-purpose frequency analysis, machinery signature, modal analysis acquisition (hammer or shaker), machinery diagnostic.
FFT Add-ons    
CBT Constant Band Tracking - Order extraction at constant bandwidth Gears mesh analysis, gearboxes noise and vibration tracking.
FFTDiag Cepstrum, Auto and cross correlation, DC, Min/Max, Pk, pk/pk and crest factor. Set of functions dedicated to the diagnostics of industrial machineries.
TDA Time Domain Analysis –Time view (oscilloscope). True statistical extraction, averaging. Machinery diagnostic, long term acquisition monitoring, critical acquisition control, large structure damping control, shocks determination, machinery health control, trend analysis.
SOA Synchronous Order Analysis - Time to Order re-sampling with angle or order averaging, acoustic weightings, multiple tach management. Rotating machinery balancing. In vehicle order to noise correlation R&D. Pump, compressors, turbines and speed reducer/multiplier test.
(SOA Add-on)
Copstrum™, Auto and cross correlation, Revolution synchronous statistics, Order transmission Function (ORF™), X functions Set of diagnostic functions based on the synchronous order analysis for rotating part transmission and forced vibration extraction.
OCT 1/n Octave Constant Percentage Band filters - 1/n octave detectors set with multiple averaging modes. General-purpose industrial noise analysis. Vehicle acoustics R&D. Noise test.
OVA Overall Acoustics Detectors - 3 detectors + 1 peak detection per channel with parallel averaging and acoustic weightings. Industrial acoustic, sound power measurements. Machinery with cycles, R&D and test.

NVGate® Options

Beside the plug-ins analyzers and their add-on, the 3-Series analyzers software also features options:

IVC Instantaneous angular velocity converter Torsional measurements from Ext. Synch inputs
CTE Combined Tachometer editor Tachometer math editor - 2 inputs, 1 output
VIN Virtual Inputs Real-time math combination of dynamic inputs
VDC Virtual DC Real-time math combination of parametric inputs
A-Samp Angular sampling for SOA Real-time Angular sampling of inputs

Signal sources

NVGate®/OROS 3-Series multi-analyzers platform can process signal coming from different sources. These sources are detailed in this section as modules.


The front-end module gathers the different input and output settings available in the instrument unit. In addition, the front-end module generates virtual signals (synthesized) when running the office mode (no unit connected to the PC) which is useful for set-up.

Front-end settings

Dynamic inputs Sampling clock 102.4 kS/s to 2,048 S/s or 65.536 kS/s to 3,200 S/s
LEMO2 connectors management 200 V polarization on/off per block of 8 input
Coupling3,4 AC (0.35 Hz) - DC - ICP - ICP + TEDS - AC float - DC float - Grounded
Node information3 Label - component - node - direction (± X ,Y,Z) - type (translation, rotation)
Physical quantity3,4 Any physical quantity can independently be associated to inputs.
Sensitivity3,4 User defined in V/unit.
Range2 Pk to pk expressed in the associated unit, (taking in account sensitivity) - linear or dB
External conditioner compensation3 Gain - polarity - offset.
Filter3 Any NVGate filter can independently be applied to each dynamic input (See Filters §)
Auto-range Enable/disable auto-ranging independently on any input
Ext. sync inputs Sampling over-sampled 64 time the dynamic inputs sampling
Coupling3 AC (0.35 Hz) - DC
Information3 Label
Physical quantity3,4 Any physical quantity can be associated to inputs.
Sensitivity3,4 User defined in V/unit.
Range3 Pk to pk expressed in the associated unit, (taking in account sensitivity) - linear or dB
External conditioner compensation3 Gain, offset.
Edge detection3 Threshold (in associated unit) - Edge (rise, fall) - Hystersis - hold off (sec)
Pre-divider3 Hardware - 1 to 255 pulses – accept up to 375 kpulses/sec
Post-multiplier3 1 to 50 pulses/trigger - Generate higher frequencies on low rate triggers. (ex. GPS)
Tachometer mode3 Pulse per rev: 0.5 to 4096 - average (n rev) - min (detect stopped shaft) and max RPM speed - hold off (in % of revolution) - rotation (clockwise/counterclockwise)
Torsional mode2: Instantaneous angular velocity converter Pulse per rev: 1 to 4096 - min (detect stopped shaft) and max RPM speed - sliding average (1 to 20 samples) - Missing pulse number: 0 to 5, Missing pulses detection :1 to ±20%: of previous pulses duration- Filters (dt, dt², 1/dt)
Angular sampling2: multi-pulse/rev clock used for signal sampling for SOA - Pulse per rev: 1 to 4096 continuously (no power of 2 limitation) - Real time, in line anti-aliasing - Missing pulse number: 0 to 5, Missing pulses detection: 1 to ±20% of previous pulses duration – Phase reference: Any tachometer including same input

Outputs Sampling Same as dynamic inputs
Generated signals3 Any outputs signals, see §outputs - play-back of signal file tracks - DC levels - Inputs playback (Delay > 256 samples)
Filters3 Any NVGate filter can independently be applied to each dynamic output (See Filters §)
Impedance3 50 ohm, 600 ohm (only OR36 and 0R38) or grounded
Gain3 -100 dB to + 120 dB
Synchronization3 Free run or linked to acquisitions runs
Level and phase transition3 No (Steps) - controlled (ramp) - user selectable ramp time
Clipping User selectable - protects shaker and amplifier.
Events (can trig analysis or record)3 Outputs stabilized - new step reached - start & stop sweep
Controls Emergency stop - mute/un-mute all
Parametric1(DC) inputs Sampling 12.3 to 12,8 S/s - 10 Hz to 100 Hz harmonics rejection
Information3 Label
Physical quantity3,4 Any physical quantity can be associated to inputs.
Sensitivity3,4 User defined in V/unit.
Range3 Pk to pk expressed in the associated unit (taking in account sensitivity) - linear or dB
External conditioner compensation3 Gain (-120 dB to +20 dB) - polarity - offset (< range).
Auto-range Enable/disable auto-ranging independently on any input
Auto-ranging Type Normal - on Peak detection
Margin Select the first highest range with 0 dB - 3 dB or 20 dB margin
Duration (apply for normal auto-range) 0 to 10 sec.
Peak detection User select input were to detect peak, auto-range applies on all enabled input at each peak detection.
Peak parameters settings 1 to 10 peaks - sensitivity (low, normal, high) - rise, fall or any edge.
Checking ICP (check not available on OR34) Test and report (Open, shortcut, ok) all enabled inputs.
TEDS Transducers automatic recognition - Complies with IEEE 1451.4 2004 Rev. 1.0

2: Optional features

3: Independent for each input

4: Linked with the transducer database

Front-end results & connections

The following results are available for monitoring and connection to analysis mode (plug-in analyzers)

Dynamic inputs & torsional1 inputs Monitoring3 Time domain instantaneous signal - Size 256 samples
Status led3 (docking tool bar) Overloaded = red - overload occurred since last start = red with yellow center - ok = green - under load (20 dB below range) = green with yellow center
Connection3 To any: plug-in analyzer channel, monitor channel, Virtual inputs, recorder track, edge event detector & tachometer
Ext. Sync inputs Monitoring3 Time domain instantaneous status (1 = threshold crossed, 0 = no event) - Size 256 samples.
Connection3 To any: start or stop averaging of plug-in analyzers, recorder start or stop recording, waterfall start or stop acquisition, new block trigger for FFT and SOA and new slice for waterfall acquisition.
To torsional, tachometer & angular sampling
Parametric1 (DC) inputs & CAN1parameters Monitoring3 Profiles versus time (160 ms to 163 sec user selectable), and digital/analog view meter.
Status led3 Overloaded = red - ok = yellow - under load (20 dB below range) = Cyan
Connection3 To any: recorder track, waterfall reference (Z/X axis) and profiles, level delta level detectors and virtual DC

Recorder / Player

OROS 3-Series/NVGate instruments feature a recorder and a player module that allows users to:

  • Record time domain signal, torsional inputs, trigger and parametric input.
  • Export or import time domain files.
  • Playback time domain files on analyzers outputs during analysis
  • Listen to recorded tracks on the PC speakers.
  • Post-analyze time domain files using the available plugs-in.


The recorder module saves time domain signal into files located on 3-Series analyzer HD, Mobi-DiskTM or PC HD. This is available on 2 different modes:

  • On-line record, the chosen inputs (Dynamic, ext. sync, parametric) are recorded at selected sampling frequency during acquisition. Real-time analysis is available simultaneously.
  • Time and tracks split, the chosen recorded tracks (from signal file) are played back in the recorder using the post-analysis mode. The sampling frequency, duration, and/or track arrangement can be changed.

Recorder settings

Bandwidths Dynamics inputs 2 groups of user selectable sampling frequency - From 102.4 kS/s to 2.048 S/s (40 kHz to 800 mHz) - available simultaneously
Ext. sync inputs Automatic selection at Front-end sampling frequency - Resolution is 64 time Front-end sampling frequency
Parametric (DC) inputs 12.5 S/s (50 Hz rejection) - 15 S/s (60 Hz rejection)
Tracks Number 14 tracks<ref>For OR34, OR35 and Office-8 licenses.</ref> (8 + 6 ext. sync) or 38 tracks<ref>For OR36, OR38 and Office licenses.</ref> (32 + 6 ext. Sync)
Sum of connected licenses using multiple hardware
Saved settings / track Label - Coupling - External gain - Input range - Sampling frequency and signal bandwidth - Component - Node number - Direction - Type - Associated transducer - Unit - Sensitivity and Offset compensation.
Modes Start to time Start recording on run or any activated event - Stop recording when duration ends - Duration 10 ms to available space on target HDD.
Start to stop Start recording on run or any activated event - Stop recording on stop on any activated event - Start and stop event can be the same - Duration 10 ms to available space on active drive (PC or OR3x).
Time to stop Memorize the earliest x seconds - Stop = stop or any activated event - Duration 10 ms to 2 GSamples (limited by the drive available space)
Triggering Start recording (new record) Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
Stop recording (end current record) Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
Start delay Positive = unlimited - negative = 128 kSamples
Stop delay Positive = unlimited - negative = 0
Markers Saved in the record files Added by tool bar or shortcut - comment fields editable during record or at end of acquisition
Signal file Record on PC HDD Up to 10 dynamic inputs – Up to 4 parametric inputs - max total bandwidth 512 kS/s - (2 MB/s)
Record on Analyzer SSD Up to 40 channels (32 inputs + 6 ext. sync or DC)/instruments - max bandwidth 3.2 MS/s (12.5 MB/s)
Format Normal: 32 bits/sample - Compressed 16 bits/sample

Recorder settings (continued)

Management Download Discard Analyzer SSD on PC HDD - Batch download available - Rate 4 MB/s
Upload Load PC HDD records on the analyzer SSD - Rate 1.4 MB/s
Location All records accessible from the project manager tree
Hard drive management Format SSD - Selective delete - Sorting tools


OR36 Mobi-Pack and OR38 multi analyzers/recorders feature a removable hard drive with 2 ports:

  • Parallel High speed port for direct data throughput to the Mobi-DiskTM.
  • USB 2.0 port for post processing and data management without the instrument.
Connection 1 to 8 Mobi-DiscTM Up to 8 Mobi-disc connected - Active Mobi-Disc: 1 (user selectable) - hot swap
Transfer Based on the USB 3.0 link Download 15 MB/s

Recorder monitoring

The following displays are available during real-time or post-analysis.

RMS Overall RMS / input Digital or analog view-meter
Signal Real-time Compressed view of entire recorded signals - Automatic update of time axis.


The player module plays the recorded signal files. This is done one of the following two ways:

  • Post-analysis, the player tracks take place of the corresponding inputs (Dynamics, Ext. Sync and parametric) to be processed by the plug-in analyzers, recorder, trigger and tachometer
  • Playbacks, the recorded dynamic input are generated on the instrument outputs simultaneously with standard analysis of the inputs.

Player settings

Played section File selection NVGate® recorded files - Imported files - located on instrument SSD, Mobi-DsicTM or on PC HDD.
Record selection Record number selection (for multi record files)
Section definition User selectable Start and stop offsets (in sec.) - available in the file overview window (marker and slider)
Duration Play backed duration (User information)
Repeat On/off - repeat continuously the selection (available only for playback on analyzer output)
Mode File swap Swap loaded files with same tracks number - applies identical post-analysis setup to multiple files.
Playback Continuous or step by step (5 ms to 360,000 s)
Bandwidth All tracks at lowest frequency (compatible with all plugs-in) or initial record frequencies (no track mix in plugs-in)
Tracks Number Up to 352 according to user's fleet
Type Dynamic input record (2 sampling frequencies), parametric (DC) input record and ext. sync record.
Fixed setting (information) / track Label, Coupling, external gain, input range, sampling frequency and signal bandwidth
Modifiable measurement point information settings (apply for post analysis or re-recording) / track Component - node number - direction - type
Modifiable settings (apply for post analysis or re-recording) / track Associated transducer - unit - sensitivity - offset compensation

Player settings (continued)

Listening File location Analyzer HD - Mobi-DiskTM connected with USB or inside the analyzer - PC HD
Playback One track - from cursor position - repeat displayed signal
Markers Display Recorded markers are available in the file overview
Use Set the start and stop playback offset (user selectable)

Player connections

The following table describes the available connections to the analysis modes (plug-in analyzers and recorder) during post-analysis operation:

Dynamic inputs & torsional Tracks Preview (multiple file simultaneously) Entire file fast overview (pre-compressed at recording time) - Track contents preview, independently (multi-graph display)
Monitoring (loaded file only) Zoom on selected play-back section
Connection3 (loaded file only) To any: plug-in analyzer channel, monitor channel, recorder track, edge event detector and tachometer
Ext. sync Tracks Preview (multiple file simultaneously) Entire file fast overview (pre-compressed at recording time) - Track contents preview, independently (multi-graph display)
Monitoring (loaded file only) Zoom on selected play-back section
Connection3 (loaded file only) To any: start or stop averaging of plug-in analyzers, recorder start or stop recording, waterfall start or stop acquisition, new block trigger for FFT and SOA and new slice for waterfall acquisition.
To torsional, tachometer & angular sampling
Recorded parametric1(DC) inputs & CAN parameters Preview (multiple file simultaneously) Entire file fast overview - Track contents preview
Monitoring (loaded file only) Profiles versus time and digital or analog view meter.
Connection3 (loaded file only) To any: recorder track, waterfall reference (Z/X axis) and profiles, level and delta level events.

Plug-ins analyzers

The following plug-in analyzers are available as options of NVGate® software platform.

Time Domain Analysis - TDA

The TDA plug-in analyzer provides time domain based analyses and visualizations. This plug-in analyzer computes statistical extractions and data compression of long duration oscilloscope views. All results are real time and operations are possible on-line or in post processing. The TDA plug-ins can operate free run or synchronized with the other plug-in analyzers.

TDA Settings

Bandwidths Oscillator 1 800 mHz to 40 kHz
(sampling oscillator 102.4 kS/s to 2,048 S/s)
Oscillator 2 512 mHz to 25.6 kHz
(sampling oscillator 65.536 kS/s to 3,277 S/s)
Time views Depth 7200/ABW ABW: the plug-in Analysis Bandwidth. sec to 100 000 sec (27 hours) - Independent on each channel
Time base (resolution) Depth/2048- Independent on each channel
Time span for extraction
Type Continuous sliding with refresh each 256 samples (Exponential) - One shot (Linear) - Repeated shot (Repeated linear)
Duration 1/ABW to 2 106/ABW (ex: 50 ms to 1000 sec @ 2 kHz)
Channels OR36 & OR38 analyzers 32 channels per plug-in for on line 32 to 256 in post-analysis
OR34 & OR35 analyzers 8 channels per plug-in for on line and post-analysis
Filters On each channel Any NVGate filter can independently be applied to each dynamic input (See Filters §)

Start analysis Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
End analysis Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
Repeat analysis On new start or end of averaging
Trigger delay Positive = unlimited - negative = 32k Samples

TDA Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving.

Time Views Overview Signal envelope: Min/Max line for each time step -
  Statistical values DC - RMS - Min- Max - Peak - Peak to Peak - Crest factor - Skewness - Kurtosis - computed on a user defined area of the time view
Extractions Statistical values DC - RMS - Min- Max - Peak - Peak to Peak - Crest factor - Kurtosis - computed on the Time span – All values available for View-meter and/or Waterfall profiles

Fast Fourier Transform analysis - FFT

The FFT plug-in analyzer features multiple vibrations results depending on applied setting. This type of plug-in analyzers computes real-time (on-line or post-processing) Fast Fourier Transform algorithms with multiple averaging domain and trigger capabilities. Up to 4 FFT plug-ins can operate at the same time.

FFT Settings

Bandwidths Oscillator 1 800 mHz to 40 kHz
(sampling oscillator 102.4 kS/s to 2,048 S/s)
Oscillator 2 512 mHz to 25.6 kHz
(sampling oscillator 65.536 kS/s to 3,277 S/s)
Resolution Lines 101, 201, 401, 801, 1601, 3201, 6401, 12801 With force DSP and 25601 lines
Frequency resolution 80 µHz (512 mHz/6401 lines)
to 400 Hz (40 kHz/101 lines)
Averaging Domain Spectral (power) - time (with phase) - FDSA (Synchronized with one frequency)
Type Exponential - linear - repeated linear - referenced peak hold (eq. to tracking filter locked on reference channel frequency) - peak hold
Size Duration or number of blocks, unlimited size
Overlap 0% to 99.9% depending on block size - retrigger
Channels OR36, MP & OR38 analyzers 32 to 256 ch. per plug-in for on line and post-analysis
OR34 & OR35 analyzers 8 channels per plug-in for on line and post-analysis
Weighting General Uniform - Hanning - Hamming - Kaiser Bessel
Modal acquisition User defined Force (rect.) and Response (Rect. + exp)
Assignment Independently on any channels
Filters On each channel Any NVGate filter can independently be applied to each dynamic input (See Filters §)
Cross functions Reference selection Full or partial matrix available (all channels can be references)
Zoom Magnification factor 2 to 128 by step power of 2
Min., max and center frequencies Graphically selectable on wide band spectrum
Triggering Start averaging Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
End averaging Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
New block Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
Repeat averaging On new start or end of averaging
Trigger delay Positive = unlimited - negative = 32k Samples
Automatic Reject overloaded blocks
Blocks rejection
Manual Accept or Reject after preview of averaged results (FRF, Coherence)
Normal Accept all blocks
Overall Detector Quadratic sum of spectra lines taking in account weighting window equivalent noise bandwidth
Lower and upper frequencies Selectable into the current FFT bandwidth

FFT Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving.

Time averaging Time domain Filtered signal - Triggered block - Averaged Triggered block - Weighted Block - Lissajoux of triggered blocks
Spectra Complex spectra
Cross-functions Instantaneous cross-spectra - averaged cross-spectra - FRF H1 - FRF H2 - Coherence
Overall Overall RMS value in specified band - Overall RMS profile in specified band.
Spectral averaging Time domain Filtered signal - Triggered block - Weighted Block - Lissajous of triggered blocks
Spectra Instantaneous complex spectra - averaged power spectra
Zoomed spectra Zoomed instantaneous complex spectra - zoomed averaged power spectra
Cross-functions Instantaneous cross-spectra - averaged cross-spectra - FRF H1 - FRF H2 - Coherence
Zoomed cross-function Instantaneous zoomed cross-spectra - averaged zoomed cross-spectra - zoomed FRF H1 - zoomed FRF H2 - zoomed Coherence
Overall Overall RMS value in specified band - Overall RMS profile in specified band.
Synchronous averaging on one frequency (FDSA) Time domain Filtered signal - Triggered block - Averaged Triggered block - Weighted Block - Lissajous of triggered blocks
Spectra Instantaneous complex spectra - time domain averaged power spectra
Overall Overall RMS value in specified band - Overall RMS profile in specified band.

Constant Band Order Tracking Add-on (CBT)

Constant band order tracking is an optional add-on to the FFT plug-in analyzers. This add-on computes spectrum lines power related to RPM speed. This option adds settings and results to the FFT Plug-ins. Constant band tracking can operate on up to 4 different tachometers at the same time.

CBT Settings

Tracked Order Number 8 per channels
Max 0.001 to 800
Constant bandwidth User selectable per channel - minimum depend on weighting windows
Computation Associated tachometer Any front end, recorded or virtual tachometer
Peak tracking On/Off center bandwidth on nearest peak
Order amplitude Weighting windows eq. noise bandwidth correction

CBT Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving.

Scalar Tracked order Digital (magnitude and phase) or analog view-meter
Cross phase tracking Order phases are relative to the same order from a ref. channel
Overall Digital or analog view-meter
Monitoring Continuous profiles of tracked order Profiles vs. time - profiles vs. RPM - max depth 2048 pts - user selectable delta time - user selectable delta RPM
Profiles One shot acquisition Tracked order (complex), cross phase orders and overall level can be collected by the waterfall profiles.
References Time, RPM and DC levels

Diagnostic Add-on (FFTDiag)

FFT Diagnostic is an optional add-on to the FFT plug-in analyzers. This add-on computes a set of useful analysis for machinery diagnostic. Up to 4 FFTDiag can operate on 4 different FFT plug-ins at the same time.

This option adds settings and results to the FFT Plug-ins.

FFTDiag Settings

Envelop demodulation Activation Enable/disable on all channels - requires zoom activation
Averaging Spectral domain - FDSA
Bandwidth ½ of zoom span - ¼ of FFT bandwidth
Correlation Activation Enable/disable on all channels - All other FFT results are affected
Weighting window Uniform - Left zero padding - Centred zero padding

FFTDiag Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving.

Scalar Min/Max Minimum and maximum amplitude per trigger block
Peak detectors Peak level - Peak to Peak level - Crest Factor - per trigger block
Others Cepstrum Cepstrum - Zoomed cepstrum
Correlation Auto-correlation block - Cross correlation block
Shaft view Time domain signal on first rotation - angular representation

Synchronous Order Analysis (SOA)

The SOA plug-in analyzer features several results depending on applied settings. Up to 3 SOA plug-ins can operate in parallel.

SOA Settings

Bandwidths Order span 6.25 to 400 – up to 800 with ForceDSP
Frequency bandwidth Up to 40 kHz
RPM span Up to 384 000 RPM - Ratio of 64 between Min & Max RPM
Resolution Lines 101 - 201 - 401 – 801 – 1601 with ForceDSP
Order resolution 1 - ½ - ¼ - 1/8 - 1/16 - 1/32
Averaging Domain Spectral (power) - revolution (re-sampled blocs)
Type Exponential - linear - repeated linear - peak hold
Size Number of blocks, unlimited size
Overlap 0 to 31 revolutions depending on resolution – 0 to 359° into revolution – Retrigger on multi-pulse/rev
Tachometer Computation base Any NVGate'® 'tachometer (ext. sync, regular input, DC input, CAN, simulated, Fractional, and combined tach.)
Phase reference Tachometer pulse edge or pulse center requires to analyze the tachometer input
0° Phase reference Cosine or sine
RPM Max speed variation 1 to 99% per analyzed block - blocks with higher variation are rejected. No control (set @ 100%)
RPM range User selectable max & min RPM, under and over speed blocks are rejected
Tracked order Number Up to 8 per channels
Min-Max 1/32 to 400 – up to 800 with ForceDSP
Cross phase tracking Order phases are relative to the same order from a ref. channel
Channels OR36 & OR38 analyzers 32 channels per plug-in for on line - 32 to 256 in post-analysis
OR34 & OR35 analyzers 8 channels per plug-in for on line and post-analysis
Weighting Windows selection Uniform - Hanning - Hamming - Kaiser Bessel Applied independently on any channels
Filters On each channel Any NVGate filter can independently be applied to each dynamic input (See Filters §)
Triggering Start averaging Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
End averaging Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
New block Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
Repeat averaging On new start or end of averaging
Trigger delay Positive = unlimited - negative = 1/order res revolution
Trigger block phase shift ±720° - independent for each channel
Overall Detector Quadratic sum of order spectra lines taking in account weighting window equivalent noise bandwidth
Lower and upper orders Selectable into order span - from 0,03125 to 800 with ForceDSP

SOA Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving.

Revolution averaging Time domain Filtered signal
Angle domain (Revolution) Triggered block - Averaged Triggered block - Weighted block
Order spectra Complex spectra
Tracked orders Digital (magnitude & phase) view-meter - Analog view -meter
Overall Overall RMS value in specified order band (digital or analog view-meter)
Spectral (order) averaging Time domain Filtered signal
Angle domain (Revolution) Triggered block - Weighted Block
Order spectra Instantaneous complex order spectra - averaged power order spectra
Tracked orders Digital (module and phase) and/or Analog view-meter.
Overall Overall RMS value in specified order band (digital or analog view-meter)

Diagnostic Add-on (SOADiag)

Order based Diagnostic is an optional add-on to the SOA plug-in analyzers. This add-on computes a set of useful synchronous order transmission extraction tools and analyses. Up to 2 SOADiag can operate on 2 different SOA plug-in at the same time.

This option adds settings and results to the SOA Plug-ins.

SOADiag Settings

Cross-functions Reference selection Full or partial matrix available (all channels can be references) - order domain averaging only.
Angular Correlation Activation Enable/disable on all channels - All other SOA results are affected simultaneously
Weighting window Uniform - Left zero padding - Centred zero padding

SOADiag Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving.

Rev. synchronous Scalars Min/Max Minimum and maximum amplitude per trigger block (n rev.)
RMS, DC Per trigger block (n rev.)
Peak detectors Peak level - Peak to Peak level - Crest Factor - per trigger block (n rev.)
Others Copstrum™ Cepstrum of the order spectra
Cross-functions Instantaneous order cross-spectra - averaged order cross-spectra - ORF™ H1 / H2 -Coherence – angular or order domain averaging.
Angular Correlation Auto-correlation block - Cross correlation block - angular averaged
Re-sampled Shaft view Time domain signal on first rotation – angular representation - instantaneous or revolutions averaged

1/n octave constant percentage band filter analysis - OCT

The OCT plug-in analyzer features multiple acoustic results depending on applied setting. This plug-in analyzer computes real-time signal (on-line or post-processing analysis) based on digital filters (CPB) and detectors.

OCT Settings

Bandwidths Sampling oscillator #1
(102.4 kS/s to 2,048 S/s)
Center of highest 1/3rd band = 40 kHz
Center of lowest 1/3rd band = 100 mHz
Sampling oscillator #2
(65.536 kS/s to 3,277 S/s)
Center of highest 1/3rd band = 25 kHz
Center of lowest 1/3rd band = 100 mHz
Frequency span Highest Band / lowest band < 2000 (ex. 10Hz - 20kHz)
Resolution 1/n Octave '1, 1/3 'rd, 1/12th, 1/24th
Averaging Basic Linear & repeated linear (20 ms to 60,000 s) exponential (20 ms to 60s)
Acoustics Short LEQ 1 s, Short LEQ 1/8 s, Fast, Slow, Impulse
Constant Bandwidth * Time B*T = 0.2dB, 0.5 dB, 1 dB, 2 dB
Standards Detectors Complies with IEC 651, IEC 804, ANSI/ASA S1.4-2014 / Part 1 / IEC 61672-1:2013 class 1
CPB filters Complies with IEC ANSI/ASA S1.11-2014 / Part 1 / IEC 61260:1-2014 and IEC 1260 class 1

Channels OR36 & OR38 analyzers 32 channels per plug-in for on line - 32 to 256 in post-analysis
OR34 & OR35 analyzers 8 channels for on line and post-analysis
Triggering Start averaging Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
End averaging Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
Repeat averaging On new start or end of averaging
Overall Detectors 2 parallel overall detectors linear and weighted (time domain)
Weighting A, C, or Z (none) applicable in 10 kHz - 40 kHz bandwidth

OCT Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving.

Spectra 1/n Octave spectra Instantaneous spectra, averaged spectra
Holden spectra Minimum & maximum spectra
Overall Linear Digital & analog view meter of time domain overall detector, exact bandwidth is informed
Weighted Digital & analog view meter of A or C weighted overall levels computed in time domain, exact bandwidth is informed

Overall acoustics sound level meter - OVA

The OVA plug-in analyzer features class 1 sound pressure level measurement according to IEC 61672:2013 standard. This plug-in analyzer computes real-time signal (on-line or post-processing analysis) based on digital filters and detectors.

OVA Settings

Type Standard IEC 651, IEC 804, ANSI/ASA S1.4-2014 / Part 1 / IEC 61672-1:2013 class 1
Class 1
Bandwidths 10 Hz to 40 kHz - Adjustable
Channels OR36 & OR38 analyzers 32 channels per plug-in for on line - 32 to 256 in post-analysis
OR34 & OR35 analyzers 8 channels for on line and post-analysis
Averaging Linear User selectable duration - repeat mode
Short leq 1/8 s - 1 s - User selectable duration
Triggering Start averaging Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
End averaging Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
Repeat averaging On new start or end of averaging
Detectors Peak 1 peak detector/Ch. - A, C or Z (none) weighting -Independent for each channel
Weighting 3 overall detectors/Ch. - A, C or Z (none) weighting - Fast, Slow, Impulse and linear time weighting - Independent for each channel

OVA Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving. The following levels can be tracked in profiles up to 100 000 pts. each.

SPL Time weighted Instant - max hold - min Hold
Averaged Short leq - leq
Peak Peak - Time weighted - max hold min hold


Instantaneous angular Velocity Converter (IVC)

The IVC option converts frequency to voltage from the External synch inputs. It covers torsional and acyclism measurements. The converted signals are made available as standard inputs (or player tracks). This option operates real-time computation and operations are possible on-line or in post processing.

IVC Settings & specs

Rate Pulse/rev 0.5 to 4096 - Up to 1 E6 with pre-divider
Pulse/rev Frequency > 40 kpulse/sec max
Pre-divider 1 to 255 - hardware decimation (pulse are not measured)
Pre-divider frequency 375 kpulse/sec max.
Missing pulses Number 0 to 5 consecutive pulses integer or fractional
Hold off 2 consecutive pulses
Generated signal '1st 'order interpolation
Tach. phase ref No missing pulse First random - continuous offset further
missing pulse > 0 Last known edge before missing pulse
Resolution Time 160 ns : 1/(SF x 64)
Angular (with SOA) 350 µRad (20 mdegres) @ 8000 RPM, up to order 10
Pre-processing Smoothing Sliding average - 1 to 32 samples
Filtering Any NVGate filter (See Filters §) incl. dt and 1/dt
Max Speed Without pre-divider Max RPM = 2.4 e6/Pulse per rev - 12 000 RPM @ 200 pulse/rev
With pre-divider Max RPM = 36 e6/Pulse per rev - 12 000 RPM @ 200 pulse/rev

IVC Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis.

Signals Number 1 to 6 (depends on the number of available ext. synch)
Use Same as dynamic inputs or recorded dynamic inputs
Magnitude Torsional acceleration, velocity & angle – separated from angular magnitudes (RPM)
View Type Signal - filtered signal - 256 samples frame

Angular sampling (A-Samp)

The angular sampling option allows accurately localizing the order phenomenon angle on cyclic rotating machineries. It uses the pulses delivered by an encoder (or zebra tape or gear teeth) to resample the inputs and torsional signal in the SOA plug-in. This option operates real-time computation and operations are possible on-line or in post processing.

IVC Settings & specs

See front-end/ext. Synch § for details

Virtual inputs (VIn)

The virtual input allows combining front end inputs with polynomial operations to generate a signal (new input). This option covers numerous applications such as vector strain calculation with rosette or dynamic twist measurement on machinery transmission. The virtual inputs are made available as standard dynamic input. A static twist computation based on phase comparison is also available with the Vin + IVC options.

This option operates real-time computation on raw or recorded signal.

VIn Settings

Output Number 12 Operators
Type New item in the active inputs/tracks list
Synchronization 0° phase shift with sources and analyzed signal
Magnitude Automatic or voltage if unresolved
Sources Number 1 to 32 channels
Type Analyzer dynamic inputs or recorded dynamic inputs
Output adjustment Type (Input * Coeff + Offset ) ^power - independent on each output
Offset Any real value from -1 e9 to 1 e9 - ex: -5.67
Coefficient Any real value from -1 e9 to 1 e9 - ex: 12
Power Any real value from -4 to 4 - ex: 0.5
Sources adjustment Type Filtering [ (input * Coeff + Offset ) ^ power] - independent for each source
Offset Any real value from -1 e9 to 1 e9 - ex: -5.67 e-5
Coefficient Any real value from -1 e9 to 1 e9 - ex: 1200
Power Any real value from -4 to 4 - ex: -2.4567
Filtering Any NVGate filter
Operators Type Product - Sum - independent on each operator
Twist Type Phase comparison – output in plane angle
Correction (zeroing) offset -360° to +360°
Output Plane angle or torque with conversion factor

Virtual parameter (VDC)

The virtual parameter (VDC) allows combining front-end parametric inputs (DC) with math operations to generate a calculated parameter (new DC). This option covers numerous applications such as averaged temperature or non linear response transducers. The virtual parameters are made available as standard DC input. This option operates real-time computation on raw or recorded signal.

VDC Settings

Output Number 12 Operators
Type New item in the DC inputs/track list
Synchronization 0° phase shift with sources and analyzed signal
Magnitude User defined
Sources Number 1 to 32 channels
Type Analyzer DC inputs or recorded DC inputs
Editor Type Text
Variables Real values
Operators +, -, x, /, ^, = (affectation)
Predefined Ch x (Channels signals), Pi, e
Trigonometric functions Sine, Cosine, Tangent - with Arc and Hyperbolic combination
Logarithmic functions Log2, Log10, Ln, Exp
Miscellaneous Sqrt, Abs, Min, Max, Sum, Avg
Output characterization Limits Min and max: +/- 1 E9 - In current unit
Information Label (text)

Combined tachometer editor (CTE)

The CTE option combines 2 actual tachometers with math to generates a calculated angular velocity (new tachometer). It covers various unreachable rotating parts and more specially the CVT gear chain measurements. The combined tachometers are made available as standard tachometer. This option operates real-time computation and operations are possible on-line or post processing.

CTE Settings

Sources Number 2
Type Any NVGate tachometer – excepted another CTE
Output Type New item in the active tachometers list
Synchronization 0° phase shift with sources and analyzed signal
Editor Type Text
Variables Real values
Operators +, -, x, /, ^, = (affectation)
Predefined Rmp1, Rpm2 (sources speed), Pi, e
Trigonometric functions Sine, Cosine, Tangent - with Arc and Hyperbolic combination
Logarithmic functions Log2, Log10, Ln, Exp
Miscellaneous Sqrt, Abs, Min, Max, Sum, Avg, Sign, If, Rint
Output characterization Rotation Clock wise or counter clock wise
Average Sliding - 1 to 256 revolution
Speed limits Min: 0 RPM - max: 1 200 000 RPM
Information Label (text)

CTE Results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis

Signals Number 4
Use Same as on-line Tachometer or recorded tachometer
Magnitude Angular velocity (RPM)
View Types View meter - 1 to 100 s rolling profile

General purpose analysis

The following modules are available as standard features of NVGate® software platform; they feature additional analysis capabilities to regular plug-in analysis modules.


The monitor is an independent (dedicated processor) module that continuously processes FFT analysis on 4 channels at the maximum available bandwidth. The aim of this module is to monitor in both domains (time and spectral) 4 inputs and to compute basic indicators for monitoring and triggering purpose.

Monitor settings

Fixed setup Bandwidth ABW = Sampling freq / 2.56
Resolution 401 lines
Average domain Spectral (power)
Overlap 0%
Average type Exponential
Weighting windows Hanning
Trigger Free run
Channels Number 4
Swap Between any active dynamic input - hot swap capable
Average Duration Instantaneous (20 ms) to unlimited
Overall analysis Pass band filter Butterworth order 2 to 10 - IIR type - Bypass function
Upper & lower frequency User defined - can be graphically modified
Computed indicators DC - Max - Min - RMS - Skew - Kurtosis - Into defined pass band - overall if bypass is on
Average User defined duration - independent from spectral averaging

Monitor results and connections

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, connection to other modules.

Time domain Play back On any output generator - hot swappable
FFT analyzer Trigger bloc 1024 samples - time domain analyzed bloc
Spectra Instantaneous complex spectra - averaged power spectra
Overall detectors Display (digital or analog view-meter) DC - Max - Min - RMS - Skew - Kurtosis
Connection To level and delta level event detector - to waterfall profiles


The waterfall module operates as a stack for plug-in analyzers results. Waterfall module features advanced graphics for 3D and profiles, including extraction tools. It can synchronize results coming from multiple plug-in analyzers and sources in one result.

Waterfall settings

Mode Continuous Circular buffer of results
One shot Fill stack and stop waterfall acquisition
Triggering Start acquisition Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
Stop acquisition Any NVGate® event plus manual and free run
New slice (point or spectra) Any NVGate® event - manual - free run - availability of connected results - periodic

Waterfall settings (continued)

Size Number of result per acquisition Up to 95 results + Time
Depth 2 to 100,000 slices or points - depend on PC available memory and requested result - automatically adjusted before acquisition
Depth for stand-alone acquisition Up to 3 MSamples per computation DSP
Channels Type scalar (the following results are connectable to waterfall channels) Overall levels (lin and weighted) from OvA and 1/n OCT - Monitor indicators (DC, Max, Min, RMS, Kurtosis) - Orders (from CBT and SOA) - Complex orders (magnitude & phase) - Overall levels in selected BW from FFT & SOA (order or frequency) - TDA scalar: DC, Min/max, RMS, Kurtosis, peak, peak-peak, crest factor
Type 2D - FFT (the following results are connectable to waterfall channels) Triggered block - Averaged Triggered block - Weighted Block - Complex spectra - Power spectra -Cross-spectra - FRF H1 - FRF H2 - Coherence - Zoomed complex spectra - zoomed power spectra
Type 2D - OCT (the following results are connectable to waterfall channels) Instantaneous spectra - averaged spectra - max & min hold spectra
Type 2D - SOA (the following results are connectable to waterfall channels) Triggered block - Averaged Triggered block - Weighted block - Complex order spectra - Power order spectra

Waterfall results

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving. All stacked results can be saved.

3D Display 1 pane (3D) - 2 panes (3D + YZ view or 3D + XY view) , 3 panes (3D + YZ + XY + Extraction view) windows - automatic or user selectable pane arrangement - Real or imaginary part and module or phase for complex results
Z axis (X axis for extraction and YZ view) Any reference - time - independent for any window - swap reference at any time
Saving selection Entire 3D data and / or any active section (YZ, XY or Extraction)
Profiles Display Profile of any scalar - Real or imaginary part and module or phase for complex results
X axis Any reference - TimeSlice - independent for any window - swap reference at any time

Waterfall Tools

The following results are available for real time or post-analysis display, report and saving.

Sections YZ Sections (Profiles vs. Ref) Any order/frequency - Power - Peak - on selected bandwidth
XY Sections (Spectra) Any position in the current ref. - Min - Max - Average - on selected range or all slices
Order/Frequency extraction (profiles vs. Ref.) Any order/frequency extraction - user selectable tach. - Power - Peak - on selectable bandwidth - Max order
Number of sections Unlimited - available on result or real-time waterfalls
Linked cursors General Single or dual cursor in each view - linked with other graphs
Linked by value Linked cursors track the same X value in different windows.
Linked by reference Linked cursors track the same acquisition slice in different waterfall windows with different X or Z-axis.

References are: Time - Slice number - DC channels (expressed in physical quantity) - TDA scalars - Monitor levels- any Tachometer

Shared resources

The following resources are available for each plug-in analyzer (when it is compatible). For example once a trigger is activated it can be applied to FFT and SOA: Then modifying the trigger setting in the resources will apply on all corresponding plug-in.


Each plug in analyzer (and recorder) can be started, stopped or triggered (new block) with events defined in the Event module.

Event settings

Edge detector Source Any dynamic input - Any recorded dynamic input
Label String for event identification (Ex. "Impact" for a hammer impact detection)
Threshold Between min and max range - use source unit (ex. g for an accelerometer)
Pre-filtering A law - C law - any NVGate filter
Slope Rise - fall
Hold off 0 to 36000 s
Hystersis Into source input range - use source unit (ex. g for an accelerometer)
Number 2 edge detectors
RPM speed detector Source Any tachometer - computed from dynamic input or ext.sync - any recorded pulses (through tachometer)
Label String for event identification (Ex. "start speed" for a run up initial triggering)
Threshold Detection into source tachometer RPM range
Slope Run up - Run down
Hysteresis 0 to source max RPM
Interpolation On interpolate event occurrence into revolution - Off event occur at revolution ends (new pulse)
Number 2 to 6 RPM speed detector
Delta RPM speed detector Source Any tachometer - computed from dynamic input or ext.sync - any recorded pulses (through tachometer)
Label String for event identification (Ex. "Each 100 RPM" for a run up triggering)
Lower velocity Minimum RPM speed - Events occurs only for higher source speed
Higher velocity Maximum RPM speed - Events occurs only for lower source speed
Delta velocity Define velocity step - event occur each time source speed increase or decrease by delta velocity
Slope Run up - run down - first, first slope is automatically selected - any, event occur on any slope
Interpolation On, interpolate event occurrence into revolution - Off, event occur at revolution end (new pulse)
Number 2 to 6 delta RPM speed detector
Level detector Source Any parametric (DC) input - Monitor scalar - Filtered monitor scalar (Band Pass)
Label String for event identification (Ex. "temp A" for a recording trigger)
Type Monitor scalar - DC - RMS - Max - Min - Kurtosis
Status Above / below - Detection level - available in lin or dB
Number 1 to 4 level detectors

Event settings (continued)

Periodic event Label String for event identification (Ex. "Hourly" for 1 hour time interval)
Time interval 2 ms to 11 days - Synchronized with analyzer.
Number 2 periodic events
Combination Sources Any event - 2 different sources defined as A and B
Label String for event identification (Ex. "Time/RPM variation" for a mix between periodic and delta RPM)
Combination A OR B - A AFTER B - A AND B (occur in the same bloc)
Number 2 event combination
Plug-in synchronization FFTx result available Occurs at each new spectra availability - Occurs at end of linear averaging (repeat and linear) - One event per active FFT plug in (FFT1 to FFT4)
OCT result available Occurs at each new 1/n spectra availability - Occur at end of linear averaging (leq, short leq, linear repeat)
SOAx result available Occurs at each new spectra availability - Occurs at end of linear averaging (repeat and linear) - One event per active SOA plug in (up to 2)
TDA result available Occurs at each new level set ( RMS, DC, etc) availability - Occur at end of linear averaging (repeat and linear)
OVA result available Occurs at each new set of overall level (short LEQ) availability - Occur at end of short averaging (repeat and linear)
Generators Synchronization Event synchronized with blocks of: Multi-sine - random noise - chirps
Swept sine generator event: Swept sine stabilized (output amplitude established) - step sine stabilized (occur x sec after step frequency is reached) - pure tone stabilized (output amplitude established)

Output signals

NVGate® proposes a set of generator signals.

Output signals

The following output signals are available as standard and can be independently applied to the front-end outputs.

Sine Type Pure tone - Swept sine - Step sine
Frequency 100 µHz to 40 kHz - smooth variation between step - resolution 10 µHz
Frequency control Start & stop frequencies - pause/release during sweep - adjustment during pause - step
Cycle control One shot - One cycle - continuous sweep between boundaries
Amplitude control Settling time 100 µs to 10 s - Stabilization time 0 s to 1000 s
Sweep speed Linear: 300 mHz/s to 20 kH/s - Log: 5 mOct/s to 330 Oct/s
Step control Synchronized with analysis end - free run
Gain control -15 dB to +60 dB - Independent for each output
- Amplitude variation controlled by settling time (1 ms to 1000 s)
Phase control Offset ±360° - Independent for each output - phase variation controlled by phase speed (1.5°/s to 360°/s)
Number 2 to 6 sine generated simultaneously - with independent phases and amplitudes - synchronized frequencies
Multi-sine Frequency span From 125 mHz to 40 kHz
Amplitude 0 to 2.5 Vrms - Settling time 100 µs to 10 s
Resolution 125 mHz to 400 Hz - 101 lines to 6401 lines
Phase Fixed (all sine have same phase) - Random
Burst 0 to 100% - Step 1%
Number 2 to 4 independents multi-sine

Output signals (continued)

Random noise Frequency span From 125 mHz to 40 kHz - independent lower and upper frequencies
Amplitude 0 to 2.5 Vrms - Settling time 100 µs to 10 s
Type White - pink
Burst 0 to 100% - Step 1% - Bloc duration: 2.5 ms to 100 s
Number 2 to 6 independent and uncorrelated random noises
Chirp Frequency span From 3.125 Hz to 40 kHz - independent lower and upper frequencies
Amplitude 0 to 7,07 Vrms - Settling time 100 µs to 10 s
Size 256 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 - 8192 - 16384
Burst 0 to 100% - Step 1%
Number 2 to 6 independents chirps

In addition to these predefined signal, any recorder or imported signal file can be generated synchronously on front-end the outputs.


The following filters can be applied on front-end inputs, plug-ins analyzers and output generators.

ABW: the analysis bandwidth, of the plug-in or front end where the filter is in use.

High pass Type ButterworthIIR type
Order 1 to 6
Cutoff frequency ABWto ABW/1024
Low pass Type ButterworthIIR type
Order 1 to 6
Cutoff frequency ABW to ABW /102.4
Stop/pass band Type ButterworthIIR type
Order 2 to 10
Cutoff frequencies ABW to 0.055 * ABW
Bandwidth ABW/2 to 0.0075 * ABW
Integrators Type HP, Single or double
High pass frequency ABW /10 000 or ABW /2 000
Integration time 2 ms to 500 s
Differentiators Type Single
Average Sliding - 0 to 2 s
Weightings Laws A & C laws
Bandwidths 10 kHz to 40 kHz
All By-Pass Apply/bypass without stabilisation time - independently on each filter
Application Same filters set for each plug-in
Label Each filter features a user define name


The above specifications describe all the guaranteed capacities and performances of the NVGate V12 or upper. Functionalities may change depending on operation mode (connected to a 3-Series unit or office). Plug-in analyzers, options and channel number availability depend on purchased options.

The instruments hardware are described separately in the "Instruments specifications page" OROS reserves the right to modify the specifications without notification.