NVGate Shortcuts

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Most Famous

This are really useful !

CTRL+A : Autoscale on Y axis



CTRL+space : Switch 2 last layouts.

CTRL+shift+space : switch all the layouts.

General shortcuts

F1 On-Line Help
Ctrl + Space Move from one layout to the next one.
Ctrl + Tab Move from one window to another one in the same layout.
Page Up Change Workspace tab (ASB, Control Panel, Project Manager).
Page Down Change Workspace tab (ASB, Control Panel, Project Manager).
F10 Freeze the active window.
Reports Tools Ribbons 507.png
Move the cursor to the left.
Reports Tools Ribbons 508.png
Move the cursor to the right.
+ Zoom in on Y axis.
- Zoom out on Y axis.
/ Zoom out on X axis.
Zoom in on X axis.
Shift + F1 Contextual help
Ctrl + Insert Edit Copy
Shift + Delete Edit Cut
Ctrl + X Edit Cut
Shift + Insert Edit Paste
Alt + Back Edit Undo
Ctrl + R Run
Pause Pause
Ctrl + S Stop
Ctrl + A Y axis auto-scale on all windows.
Crtl + Alt + A Y axis auto-scale on active window.
Ctrl + Shift + A Auto-range
Ctrl + B Next Step
Ctrl + C Copy item content (ASB settings, mask)
Ctrl + V Paste item content (ASB settings, mask)
Ctrl + D Save current workbook
Ctrl + Y Accept acquisition
Ctrl + N Reject acquisition
Ctrl + 0 to 9 Macro start
Ctrl + P Print report
Ctrl + Q Zoom auto-scale on Z axis.
Ctrl + T Manual trigger
Ctrl + M Add record marker.
Ctrl + W or Z Full width on active trace.
Insert Memorize Trace
Ctrl + Delete Remove Active Trace
Ctrl + F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10 Change the mouse mode (display mode toolbar).
X/Y/Z +Shift + Mouse wheel (up) Zoom in on (X/Y/Z) axis (+ Ctrl for small steps).
X/Y/Z +Shift + Mouse wheel (down) Zoom out on (X/Y/Z) axis (+ Ctrl for small steps).
X/Y/Z + Mouse wheel (up) Translate X/Y/Z axis positively (+ Ctrl for small steps).
X/Y/Z + Mouse wheel (down) Translate X/Y/Z axis negatively (+ Ctrl for small steps).
Ctrl + F5 Default mode activation (scale mode)
Ctrl + F6 Zoom mode activation
Ctrl + F7 Cursor mode activation
Ctrl + F8 Move mode activation
Ctrl + F9 Rotate mode activation
Ctrl + F10 Marker mode activation
F2 to F9, F11, F12 Macro Hot key

Use the mouse wheel for 1D windows

Mouse wheel: move the min, the max or shift a scale.

Note: If you do not have a mouse wheel, you can use the top and bottom arrows.

Template Editor

Tab Browse the objects on the active page
Alt Gr + Tab Browse the objects on the active page in the opposite direction
Alt + Enter Last selected object properties
Reports Tools Ribbons 509.png
Move one or several selected controls to the left.
Reports Tools Ribbons 510.png
Move one or several selected controls to the right.
Reports Tools Ribbons 511.png
Move one or several selected controls to the top.
Reports Tools Ribbons 512.png
Move one or several selected controls to the bottom
Suppr Delete one or several selected controls

Use the mouse wheel for 2D windows

Cursor mode

Mouse Wheel: right/left move by 5 steps.

Mouse Wheel + CTRL: right/left move by 1 step.

Arrow mode

When the pointer is on the X or Y axis and on the min or max value, use the mouse wheel to move 5 pixels.

When the pointer is on the X or Y axis and on the min or max value, use the mouse wheel + CRTL to move 1 pixel.

When the pointer is in the middle of X or Y axis, use the mouse wheel to shift translation of the zoom area 5 pixels.

When the pointer is in the middle of the X or Y axis, use the mouse wheel + CRTL to shift of the zoom area 1 pixel.

When the pointer is in the middle of X or Y axis, use the mouse wheel + SHIFT to zoom quickly.

When the pointer is in the middle of X or Y axis, use the mouse wheel + CRTL + SHIFT to zoom.


A shortcut keyboard can also be assign to a macro :

Functions key from F2 to F9 + F11 and F12, then CTRL + "x" can be associated to a macro.

V10 release 03.png

Exemple : Do a Macro wich is doing only "Run", assign this macro to an hot keys. Exemple : "F2". So now, you can launch the Run with the F2 keyboard button.