NVGate Glossary

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Analog input

An analog input is the physical way into the OR38 multi-analyzer for a signal. An input can be activated or not and can be connected or not to a plug-in analyzer channel. The same input can be connected to one or several channels of an analyzer or even to several plug-in analyzers. The corresponding LED is on when the input is activated.

ASB (Analyzer Setting Browser)

ASB, The Analyzer Setting Browser, is one of the 3 graphic tools forming the workspace. It allows you to set up the analyzer and control the Instrument directly. The main categories of the ASB are inputs, resources, and plug-in analyzers. 3 types of icon represent these 3 categories. The setups made in the ASB are saved in the current project.


A channel is the way in to a plug-in analyzer. It can be activated or not and can be connected to an analog input or not. In order to be able to display a result obtained from an analyzer channel, the channel should be activated and connected to input.


A collection is a group of sub-modules of the same type (inputs, filters pass/stop band, etc.)

Control Panel

The control panel is part of the workspace. It allows you to control the measurement process. It is user-customizable and saved in the current project. The control panel is customized by right clicking in its area.


The cursor allows you to obtain the coordinates of any point of a trace.


Only available if the Instrument OR38 is connected to the PC. You can download the data stored in the OR38 to the PC hard drive.

Event definition

An event is defined as a trigger condition. Any event defined in the event definition is a resource of NVGate® and can be selected from any of the plug-in analyzers.


Allows to convert a signal file into a specific format to a located directory.

Filter builder

The filter builder allows you to design the filters you need for your analysis. Any filter built in the filter builder is a resource of NVGate® and can be selected from any of the plug-in analyzers.


Front-end is the section where you can set-up your analog inputs, outputs and external synchronizing inputs.


A graph is the trace display area. A graph can consist of one or several traces (multitrace 2D or 3D). A window can consist of one or several graphs (multigraph window). A contextual menu appears when clicking in the graph background: it contains zooming tools and trace and marker managers. Another contextual menu is available by clicking in the window background.


Allows you adding project(s) from a located directory into your Project Manager.


The infotrace is the information zone of a graph. It contains the legend and the marker tables. It can be displayed by pulling the bar on the right side of the window.


Display set-up, window arrangement, displayed results.

Log Window

The log window reports any action you have performed.


A marker is a tool for automatically obtaining coordinate values for displayed traces. Markers can be of several types: free, harmonic, peak, max, side band, and power band.

Marker table

The marker table is displayed in the infotrace.


A measurement is a subpart of a project. It allows you to organize your setups and results.


A module is a box that contains an analyzer mode. There are 3 types of module. Hardware control: I/O settings, recording, battery... Library: general analyzer resources management (filtering, trigger...) Analysis: 1 per analysis mode provided (Frequency analysis, Oct analysis...).


The monitor is a particular type of plug-in analyzer. The monitor allows basic FFT setups and lets you observe the signal at any stage during the analysis process without stopping the measurement.


Allows you to make comparisons and averages between several traces.

Output signals

The output signals resource is the section where you can define the signals to be generated. Once defined the output signals can be selected from the analog outputs to be generated.


The player is the tool for playing back recorded signals.

Plug-in analyzer

A plug-in analyzer is an analyzer plugged into NVGate®. The number and properties of the plug-in analyzer depend on your configuration.

Project manager

The project manager is part of the workspace. It allows you to organize and store all your data and setups. A project consists of several measurements.


The recorder allows you to record time domain signals.


Results are any type of data that can be saved for displayed.


A signal is a piece of raw data in the time domain.


A sub-module is a basic analyzer function and data processing operator.


A trace is the representation of a signal or a result. A multitrace graph is a graph containing several traces: it can be 2D or 3D.


Available only if the Teamwork instrument is connected to the PC. This is used to send a recorded signal file from the PC to the instrument. You can select to keep the signal onto the PC or to remove it after the upload.


A waterfall is a 3D display representing on one axis the frequency domain, on the vertical axis the amplitude and in the third dimension the change in the result during time, block numbers, or RPM.


A window can contain one or several graphs (multigraph window).


A workbook contains an analyzer status (ASB settings, setup, Control Panel, layout...).


The workspace is the area grouping the ASB (Analyzer Setting Browser), the Control Panel, and the Project Manager. It is used for setting up, running and organization data within NVGate®.