Modal Shortcuts

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Many shortcuts are provided to help you operate Modal more conveniently. Your efficiency can be greatly improved by these shortcut operations employing the mouse and keyboard.

Shortcut Operations in the Explorer

Double click on a ’.cfg’ file Run Modal, and open this configuration file
Double click on a ’.wsp’ file Run Modal, and load this workspace file
Drag a ’.cfg’ file to the software’s mainframe Open this configuration file
Drag a ’.wsp’ file to the software’s mainframe Load this workspace file


Shortcut Operations in the General Interface

Ctrl+N Create a new configuration file
Ctrl+O Open a configuration file
Ctrl+P Print contents in the current window
Ctrl+C Copy contents in the current window to the clipboard
Ctrl+V Insert clipboard contents
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action
Ctrl+Y Redo the previous undone action
Ctrl+D Locate to the setup list box in the standard toolbar, and switch between each setup
F1 Show the online help manual
F5 Reload the current configuration file
F12 Begin a new session of OROSModal2
Double click on a window tab Close the relevant window
Middle click on a window tab Close the relevant window


Shortcut Operations in the 2D Curve Window

Double click Select the band between current cursors
Enter Select the band between current cursors
Middle click Delete the latest selected band
Backspace or Delete Delete the latest selected band
Double middle click Delete all the selected bands
Esc Delete all the selected bands
Tab Find the limits between current cursors
Move the two cursors to the left simultaneously
Move the two cursors to the right simultaneously
Move the two cursors outwards simultaneously
Move the two cursors inwards simultaneously
Page Up Increase the cursors’ moving step
Page Down Decrease the cursors’ moving step
Home or End Make the two cursors return to default positions
F2 + Mouse moving Move the two cursors with the mouse simultaneously
F3 + Mouse click Zoom in the range between the two cursors
F4 + Mouse click Display the full band of current curve


Shortcut Operations in the 3D Graphics Window

Ctrl+M Locate to the mode list box in the toolbar, and switch between each mode
Click and moving Rotate the model
F2 + mouse moving Translate the model or selected 3D objects
F3 + mouse moving up or down Zoom in or out the model or selected 3D objects
F4 + mouse moving Rotate the model or selected 3D objects
Mouse wheel scroll Zoom in or out the model or selected 3D objects
Delete Delete selected items (nodes, lines, polygons, 3D objects)
Translate to the left
Translate to the right
Translate to the top
Translate to the bottom


Shortcut Operations in the Dialog of ’Showed Series’

Double click on the ’Available No.’ Add the selected items to ’Selected No.’
Double click on the ’Selected No.’ Delete the selected items from ’Selected No.’
Right click anywhere Delete all the items in ’Selected No.’
Middle click anywhere Delete all the items in ’Selected No.’