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V12 release note

April 2020 Update- This update of the V12 release note describes the new features of V12.10 on top of the already announced V12 features.

  BUNDLE VERSIONS 4 NVGATE V12.10 4 MAIN FEATURES 4 COMPATIBILITY 4 One click update of the license keys 4 Seamless transition from recording to post analysis 5 One step further for properties management 7 Filling in properties content from a drop down list 7 Multi-selecting to modify several properties at once 8 Deleting existing properties 9 Managing the incoming properties 10 Sorting the properties 10 No tach signal available? : Use the simulated tachometer 11 Reading the NVGate version used to save a measurement 11 Russian Translation 12 Side Band delta value 12 Saving the rotating speed scalar value 12 Miscellaneous 12 Fixed issues 13 NVGATE 12.00 14 COMPATIBILITY 14 OVERVIEW 14 New Modules 14 MODS support 14 EV/HV NVH testing solution 14 The Monitoring solution 15 NVGate Improvements 15 New functions 15 Performances 15 Stability 15 Users’ tools community 16 MODS SUPPORT 17 NEW FEATURES 17 Descriptions 17 Licenses 17 EV/HV NVH TESTING SOLUTION 18 NEW FEATURES 18 Description 18 Objectives 18 Getting started tutorial 18 Checking the eFrequencies 18 Displaying spatiograms 19 Licenses 21 MONITORING SOLUTION 22 NEW FEATURES 22 Description 22 Reboot Box with watchdogs available 22 Using the Monitoring 22 Parameters 23 Licenses 23 IMPROVEMENTS AND NEW FUNCTIONS 25 DOF modification in measurement 25 User defined number of decimal digits for result figures 26 Extract DC tach from a dynamic input track 27 Memorization of calibrator type and settings 27 Adjust the number of layouts in PC RAM 28 Kinematic Marker Database 28 Scaling graphs at a time in multi-graph windows 29 Change window color by macro 29 SIMPLIFICATIONS 30 Add/remove Window dialog 30 Select the report template from NVDrive 31 EXTERNAL USERS’ TOOLS 32 AVAILABLE TOOLS 32 Batch post process 32 Tach tool 32 Automatic report selection 32 Edit signal 33 Rosette computation for strain gage 33 Torsion ODS 33 CAN bus: import .dbc 34 RT60 computation 35 FIXED ISSUES 36 Cascade mode (multi analyzers) 36 Stability 36 Recorder overwrite 37 Display 37 Export 38 Dual sampling 38 Tachometer and order analysis 39 OR35TW 39 Input ranges 39 NVDrive (see NVdrive toolkit) 39 Miscellaneous 40

Bundle versions OROS always strives to be closer to its users and is carefully listening to needs and requests. This is why OROS is regularly releasing new bundles. Customers under contract automatically benefit from each release. The last update of the V12 generation is now V12.10. NVGate V12.10 The NVGate® bundle V12.10 is available from April 2020. This release of the OROS 3-Series analyzer’s software platform brings additional functionalities to the V12.00 version. Main features • One click update of the license keys, • Seamless transition from recording to signal post analysis • One step further for properties management - Filling in properties content from a drop down list - Multi-selecting, deleting properties, - Managing incoming properties,sorting properties order, and more … • No tach signal available? : Use the simulated tachometer. • And more to discover below … Compatibility: Same as V12.00 One click update of the license keys If you are now using NVGate version 11 or a previous version, you will need to update the license keys of your analyzer and USB dongle in order to run the NVGate version 12.10 that you have installed on your PC. The NVGate connection window has been enhanced in version 12.10 to quickly update the license keys. How to proceed? • 1) Select the item (analyzer or dongle) for which you want to update the license keys. • 2) Select the .ZIP archive containing your new license key files (as sent by mail by customer care team or your local distributor). The license key files will be automatically copied in the NVGate installation folder and the keys of your analyzer and USB dongle will be encrypted. 3) The firmware update will be automatically performed.

Key update process Seamless transition from recording to post analysis After recording a signal and computing some results with the NVGate plug-ins (FFT, SOA, OCT,…) you might need to post-analyze the recorded signal to change a few analysis settings or compute addition-al results using the same plug-ins.

With NVGate 12.10, it is now possible to post-analyze a signal: • Directly using the same setup as the one used during the recording. If required, additional modifications to the setup can be realized in a further step. In that case, after loading the record setup the same results will be computed and / or displayed as during the acquisition. It is then possible to change the analysis settings, remove or add some results and modify the layouts. Note: if the record setup contains virtual inputs, torsional channels, CAN or DC channels, the connection of these channels to the plug-ins will be reset.

• or start from scratch on a new default setup. In that case, all the tracks connection to the plug-ins will be reset. How to proceed? To post-analyze a signal and choose to keep the record setup or use a new setup, you can either: • Select the signal from the Post Analysis menu and select the Post-analyze option as follow:

Selecting a signal to be post analyzed from the Select Signal window Select  

• Or right click on the signal in the NVGate Workspace and select the Post-analyze option:

Selecting a signal to be post analyzed from the project manager   One step further for properties management The properties is a great feature of the Teamwork platform which allows users to associate context information to their measurement data and setups (properties are applied when saving a project, a setup or a measurement). Without such a tool, the natural tendency would be to insert this information in the titles of the meas-urements making the users life difficult when it is time to sort and find relevant data. New key features are now available in the Properties Manager of NVGate 12.10 to allow a smooth ex-perience of the Dataset management. Filling in properties content from a drop down list The user is given the possibility to fill in the content of a property from a drop-down list of predefined choices as shown in the window below.

Filling in a predefined choice for a property (when for example creating a new project) How to proceed? 1. Start the properties manager window for the “Home ribbon”

Starting the properties manager window 2. After selecting a property, the property type can be selected. Three choices are available:

Free text: the user can enter any text freely when filling the property information.

List (restricted) (New in V12.10) Fill-in the List items in the Properties manager. Then, when saving a project, a measurement or a setup you will be able to select the item from a combo list as shown below.

List (New in V12.10): This option is a mix of the “Free text” and “List (restricted)” option. During a save (measure-ment, setup or project), the list is proposed as a combo but free text still can be entered. For that the list items should be entered in the properties manager for the selected property. In this case, the property will be given the free text content but the list will not be populated with this new entry. If this required, the list of that property can be modified in the properties manager

Selecting the property LIST type during the properties management • Setting up the Default value for the property item For properties which are declared as list, it is possible to define their default value:

Setting up the default selection from the list Multi-selecting to modify several properties at once One can simply select multiple properties to achieve an action (Modify behavior, Modify suggest or Delete) on all of them at once.

Properties multi selection Deleting existing properties

Deleting existing properties

The selected properties will be deleted from the database. The multi-selection enables to delete several properties at once.

Once deleted, the properties can still be shown using the “Show deleted properties” (Option accessible from the delete button using the down arrow. The property can be recovered by modifying the behavior to something else than “deleted” as shown from the window below.

Show deleted properties

Tips: How to reset completely your properties base? To achieve that you need to delete the files “userPropertiesLibrary” and “userPropertyPolicies” – which can be found at this location : C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\OROS\NVGate

Managing the incoming properties This feature allows to choose how to deal with properties coming from imported NVGate pro-jects, measurements and models (after an import or a collate for example).

You can select what will happen to a property when an import will be realized. The behavior is adjusted after pressing the button “Incoming …” 2 mains choices are available: Import or Ignore

- Import: when this behavior is selected, the user needs to select the following settings - “behavior”: apply to a new project, to a measurement, to a model, or don’t apply it (Nothing) - “suggest”: empty, same as previous, same as today

To update the properties on a team wich are using several PC, select this option, then import a project, measurement, models, on other PCs. The new properties will be including on the new PC, including combo list.

- Ignore: when this behavior is selected, the property will actually take the status deleted right at the import level.

Setting up what will happen to a property during an import Sorting the properties It is now possible to rank up or down the properties (after selecting them) to change the properties order:

Sorting the properties   No tach signal available? : Use the simulated tachometer This option is now available for customers owning the FFTDiag option. This feature will allow you to simulate a tachometer with a fixed speed for your measurement when using a real tachometer sensor is not possible and your shaft is rotating at a steady speed.

Setting up the simulated tach You can use this tachometer as any tachometers to calculate order spectrums or save it as a result (see next section).

Selecting the Simulated tach. 1 Reading the NVGate version used to save a measurement In order to improve further the traceability of your measurements, the NVGate version used for the measurement is now displayed in the Measurement properties and also in the Open Project and Load Setup windows (Product column). Note : this property is applied to measurements performed from version 12.00.

The NVGate version under which the measurement was saved can be read from the properties Russian Translation The Russian translation is now available in NVGate 12.10. Side Band delta value Using Side-bands markers, the delta value between the two markers is now displayed in the table of the infotrace:

Displaying the side band marker value Saving the rotating speed scalar value With NVGate 12.10 it is now possible to save the last measured scalar value of any tachometer avail-able as Result in NVGate. This result appears in the Result list of the measurement.

Displaying the saved rotating speed as a scalar value Miscellaneous • Xpod Strain gage documentation add on folder: Manuals\Xpod Strain gage\ • TeamViewer quick support update to V15 • Start OR10 in connected mode with command line – Nvdrive documentation updated • Python Toolkit : add support for Python 3.8 • The "Run Pause stop" button can be hide using an NVDrive command line • In online mode there is no more limitation at maximum 192 channels.   • Fixed issues In addition of new features, some issues have been fixed within NVGate V12.10. Refences Description 13528 ORBIGate in Japanese set wrong accelerometer default sensors 10225 Waterfall cursor value for integration derivation fft spectrum 11822 Time signal display of the last channel is smaller than the other channels 13411 Last spectrum is cut in the graph 13410 Improve display of text in infotrace 13414 Multi graph marker is not applied to all traces 13510 Delta RPM - Matlab export of overall profile - NVGate shut down 13538 Post analysis: trigger Delta RPM and Delta time freeze NVGate 13480 OR35TW LCD screen freeze with specific action on LCD 13476 OR34 autonomy of internal battery was 3 minutes. Now 15 mn 13555 Extend the Export / import windows 9913 Share project and measurement properties

       13590	Fan doesn't work with "fan forced"