NVGate Ribbons: Home Tab

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The goal of the Home tab is to make a user friendly tab for doing a measurement. You can load a project, create a setup (using the "go to results" group), start an acquisition, see your data, the disk space and change the user. In fact for a lot of every day application you can stay on this tab, no need to check the other one.

Go to result group

Online mode

Home gotoresult 2022.PNG

Home start 2022.PNG Start...: Opens the NVGate start dialog which is dedicated to make the first steps in the software.

Note: The NVGate start dialog is also displayed at each NVGate Start except if the user checks the option Do not show again in the dialog.

NVGate start dialog 2022.JPG

Open project 2022.JPG Open project: Open an existing project.
New project 2022.JPG New project: Create a new project.
Recent projects: Recently opened projects.

Home online to PA.PNG Online to Post-analysis: This button is used to switch from Online mode to Post-analysis mode. This will open the Select Signal window which lists all the recorded signals available. The selected signal will be then playback and can be re-injected into any plug-in analyzer (Monitor, FFT, 1/n Octave...). It is also possible to play back a recorded signal through the Output during Online analysis.

See player page for more details.

Home select inputs 2022.PNG Select inputs: Opens the Inputs selection dialog which allows activating and setting-up the dynamic inputs in a fast and smart way.
Home show result 2022.PNG Show results: Opens the Results dialog which allows displaying and saving results without connecting inputs or tracks to the plug-in analyzers in advance.
Home results overview 2022.PNG Results overview: Opens the Results overview table which summarizes all the displayed and saved result (i.e. present in the Save Selection list)

Post-analysis mode

Gotoresult PA 2022.PNG

Home PA to online 2022.PNG Post-analysis to online: This button is used to switch from Online mode to Post-analysis mode.
Home select signals 2022.PNG Select signal: Open the Select signal dialog to select the signal to be post-analyzed.
Home select tracks 2022.PNG Select tracks: Open the Inputs table showing the inputs definition of the signal to be post-analyzed.

Measurement group

Home measurement 2022.PNG

Note that another Run/Pause/Stop button is always available in the status bar (bottom left)

Home run 2022.PNG Run: (CTRL+R) This button controls the general analysis and recording start. The plug-ins with connected channels/tracks will start their process once the run is activated.

Note: The monitor and the Time Domain Analysis (in free run mode) process is continuous; it do not depends on the run status.
Note: the trigger/start status of the plug-ins may block their process, waiting for an event.""
Warning: Pressing the run button during an analysis leads to reset all current analyses, restarting all averages from 0. The analyzed data will be lost.

Home pause 2022.PNG Pause: Suspend or un-suspend the current analysis.

Note: If the recorder is running, it starts / finishes a record.

Home stop 2022.PNG Stop: (CTRL+S) Stop all the current analyses and recording. After requesting a stop, the plug-ins finish their current block. When all the plug-ins have switched to Stop the analyzer switches to the Stopped status

Note: The analyzed results and recorded signal are saved when the analyzer switch to stop. This is the default behavior. It may be changed from the user preferences.

Save group

Home save 2022.PNG

Home save measurement 2022.PNG Save measurement: Save the result of the last measurement. This button is available when:
  • There is at least one result selected in the save selection,
  • The measurement is stopped,
  • The result exists.
Home save option 2022.PNG Save option: Define the way the results and signals are saved.

Save measurement

Enables to save the results of a measurement. The results can be saved if:

  • There is at least one result selected in the save selection,
  • The analyzer is stopped,
  • The results exists.

By default the save measurement displays the following confirmation window:

Save measurement dialog 2022.JPG

The Save Measurement dialog shows the visible properties with their suggested value.

This dialog box allows entering:

  • the measurement name to identify your data
  • An associated keyword that allows filtering the project manager
  • User’s comments (Use the CTRL+Enter to add lines)

In Addition, the measurement can be informed with properties which are used to help retrieving the files and their meaning.

The properties are attached to the measurement and filled while saving the data or by editing the properties from the project manager. The properties belong to 3 different categories:

  • The OROS properties are automatically filled by NVGate: Date, Author, Protection, Project name, Signal location and Number and type of saved results.
  • The OROS user properties are already created by NVGate. Their values, but must be filled by the operator: Comments, Site, Installation, Intervention, UUT, Serial number, Measurement type and Default type
  • The Users parameters are created and filled by the operator while saving or by editing the properties. Ex: TestCampaign, R&DProject or Customer name. Users parameters can be predefined from the ribbon: Measurement/Preferences/Measurement Properties

Note that users’ properties will pollinate. It means the new properties type will be automatically added on the future measurements. The same occurs if you import or copy a measurement which contains unknown users’ properties.

The OROS User properties easily cover a wide range of situations. Properties options are:

  • Site is for the location of the measurement. It can be a ship, a test track, a test cell, an aircraft or a factory.
  • Installation is for the tested machinery. It can be a diesel engine, a car, a jet engine, a pump, a machine tool, etc…
  • Intervention describes the type of acquisition/analysis: qualification, overhaul check, prototyping, diagnostic, routine data collection, first run, etc…
  • Unit Under Test (UUT) indicates precisely which part is tested: a tire, a bearing, a transmission, etc…
  • Measurement type: Describes the type of measuring; Acoustic, diagnostic, rotating, etc..
  • Default (or Defect): The identified defect on the UUT.

Managing properties

To enter the property values, click on the right cell of the corresponding line and add text.

To remove a property from the measurement, use the cross on the right side of the corresponding line.

To add a property fill the bottom left cell with the property name and use the tab or click on the right cell to enter its value.

By right clicking on the property line you can hide it or change the suggestion mode. In order to save your entered values from one measurement to the next one, select Same as previous. Same as today will reset the suggestion as soon as the date of the latest saved measurement is different from current day.

Note: Measurement’s properties can be edited from the Project Manager by right clicking on the desired measurement.

Save option

Define the way the results and signals are saved. It opens the Save setup dialog which contains 2 tabs.

Save setup tab

Save setup 2022.JPG

  • Base name: The name the new measurement will have. A suffix is automatically added to the name if the specified name is already in use.
  • Names from sequence: Select this option to link the measurement name to the corresponding sequence fields of the sequence currently in use.

See also "Sequence" topic from Chapter 5: Reports & Tools.

  • Native format: Determines whether the measurement should be saved in OR3x format. If not selected, the new measurement will not appear in the project manager.
  • Export format: Used to export the new measurement in an external format. A folder must be specified to receive the converted result.

See more details about the export formats in the "Export" topic from the "Chapter 7: User preferences".

  • Auto-increment: Used to insure the new measurement has a unique name.
Number Adds a number to the Base name. The first available increment is used
Date Adds date information to the Base name. The date format is dd-mm-yyyy hh’mmss" or mm-dd-yy hh’mmss according to the regional settings of the PC
  • Save option: This option determines the way in which the measurement will be created when the analyzer stops
Do not save No measurement will be created. The only way to save the results selected is to perform the Save Result command manually
In default measurement The measurement is created with the name "Default measurement". If a measurement with this name already exists, it is overwritten.
With name confirmation A dialog box will be displayed when the analyzer stops. It will suggest a name using a Base name and an auto increment choice.
Without name confirmation The measurement is created with a name automatically generated from the Base name and the auto increment choice.
  • Default keyword: Used to choose the keyword that will be associated with the new measurement. Refer to the preference section for more information.
  • Saved Results
  • Current Analysis result: Results obtained from an acquisition.
  • End of acquisition: open automatically a dialog box to save the results when the analyzer stops.
  • Manually: allow to save the results manually.
  • Working results: Results obtained after an operation based on already saved analysis results, for example a result calculated with an operator.

These results can be only saved manually.

Save selection tab

Save selection 2022.JPG

Results provided by the plug-ins

  • Result selection: List of results provided by the plug-in analyzer selected. Multiple plug-ins may be selected if all results selected are compatible (which means that they can be displayed in the same result window).
  • Channel selection: List of plug-in analyzer channels connected, available for the result selected.
  • Operation: in the top combo-box, list of weighting that can be applied to results selected. In the middle combo-box, list of derivation/integration operations which can be applied. In the bottom combo-box, list of display units.
  • Reference / X: List of plug-in analyzer channels connected. This can be the reference. Available for results that require a reference only (cross-spectrum, for example).
  • Tracked order: List of tracked orders on channel selected. Available if result selected is an order result.
  • Traces
Reports Tools Ribbons 287.png

List of traces available in the project coming from current analysis results and working results.

Setup group

Home setup 2022.PNG

Home load setup 2022.PNG
Load setup: Open the Load setup dialog, which allows loading setups from Models, Measurements and Projects or creating setups for online or post-analysis.
Home save as model 2022.PNG
Save as model: Enable to save the current setup as a Model.
Home active model 2022.PNG
Active model: Display the name of the loaded Model. This Model will remain active until a Reset setup is applied or another setup is loaded.
Home reset 2022.PNG
Reset: Close the active Model and set all parameters to the default values.

See setup group page for more details.

Data group

Home data group 2022.PNG

Home attachment 2022.PNG Attachment: Enable to quickly identify if files (reports, pictures, videos....) are attached to the current project. Note: if the "Default project" is active, the Attachment button is greyed.
Home attachment 2022.PNG The Attachment folder of the current project is empty or does not exist.
Home attachment file 2022.PNG File(s) are located in the Attachment folder of the current project.

Home filter projects 2022.PNG Filter projects: Open the Filter Project dialog, which enables selecting the projects to be visible in the Project manager. Use the filter and columns sorting to select which set of Project/Measurements will be visible. Click on Filter to view only selected Items, select No Filter to view all Items.The visibility filtering applies on all Item Selection Browsers, Set Selection Browsers and Project Manager.

Disk group

Home Disk group 2022.PNG

Home record 2022.PNG
Record: Display and enable selecting where the recording is performed (analyzer's disk or computer disk) or to stop temporarily the recording (off).
Used space 2022.PNG
Used space: Give a visual overview of the space available on the disk.
Download 2022.PNG
Download: Open the Disk manager dialog, which lists the signals available on the analyzer's disk and enables selecting the signals to be downloaded on the pc.


User 2022.PNG User: This button allows selecting the current user. Note: changing from one user to another one will reset the current NVGate analysis configuration to the default one defined by the new user.