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[https://orossas.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/support/EamEoIefNl5Pg0zVmkDUv_4Bh3TXKPJz991K65nXTbuxdg?e=3KQWga I'am still overwhelmed by all this modal stuffLaplace, Fourier, FRFs, and all that!]
[https://orossas.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/support/EamEoIefNl5Pg0zVmkDUv_4Bh3TXKPJz991K65nXTbuxdg?e=3KQWga I'am still overwhelmed by all this modal stuffLaplace, Fourier, FRFs, and all that!]

[https://orossas.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/support/EWVXgK-KbPBLn3VMLviBuuQB7XgfOpaAPUzLPe0dbMhe9A?e=AVixDw I showed some mode shapes to someone. They asked me if the structural design was ok. What should I tell them ?]
[https://orossas.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/support/EWVXgK-KbPBLn3VMLviBuuQB7XgfOpaAPUzLPe0dbMhe9A?e=AVixDw I showed some mode shapes to someone. They asked me if the structural design was ok. What should I tell them ?]
[https://orossas.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/support/ETt1D-Wue5BBvDzO5y8GwwgBJGvPz-mNmEBZYT-ifPOK9Q?e=nfQafc Does it make any sense to use the actual operating loadsas the excitation force for a modal testif the force is a random signal ?]
[https://orossas.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/support/EUw3GiSkKIdBmFAZLE5vw-IBZ6-2-Yczz7zz4i3cTda2iQ?e=btozQG Which window is most appropriate for the various types of modal tests performed?]
[https://orossas.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/support/EQJYwQLkKa9Dp1k-gqlMWlwBJ4wmLrIZyuex9aeee5ftyA?e=cw1KIp Why is calibration and mode shape scaling important?And does it make a difference?]
[https://orossas.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/support/EZfWJLtRuCtDpCkrd09zwEUBz2GXFlFjmWmBjBPJ7O1igw?e=o5c75e We talked about the number of points needed for a modal test before.]

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