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It is basically the same feature as the Peak Hold average. The main difference is that it collects and holds the data of the spectrum according to a new peak on the reference channel.
It is basically the same feature as the Peak Hold average. The main difference is that it collects and holds the data of the spectrum according to a new peak on the reference channel.

This technique is used for some modal tests with a shaker excitation to reject non-linear phenomena. In this case, the Ref. Peak Hold average is used as a tracking filter linked with excitation frequency.
This technique is used for some modal tests with a shaker excitation to reject non-linear phenomena. In this case, the Ref. Peak Hold average is used as a tracking filter linked with excitation frequency.<br>
We advice to read [[NVGate_FFT_Analyzer#Average|ref peak hold averaging]] on FFT page for more info.

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