NVGate Tools: EditSignal

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The "Edit Signal" allows a user to edit part of time signal. It does not affect the initial signal file data. It creates a new file according to the requested modification.

Package composition installation

Download : Here

  • NVGate add-on tool "Edit Signal": EditSignal.exe
  • It is advised to put the Add-on tool within the NVGate Link Directory "C:\OROS\NVGate data\Links"
  • Compatible with NVgate V12.00 or later.

Video Presentation

Edit Signal Overview

The "Edit Signal" allows a user to edit part of time signal. It does not affect the initial signal file data, and creates a new file according to the requested modification.

Edit signal should be done according to this step by step procedure:

1- Load and preview signal, only the signal window should be opened

2- Start the "Edit Signal" Add on, from Link

3- Select a mode from Edit Signal

  • Zero : Remove all data, set to "zero" for selected part of current track
  • Zero All : Remove all data, set to "zero" for selected part of all tracks
  • Mean : Interpolate data from selected part of current track
  • Cut all : Remove a selected part for all tracks

4- Apply "Free Marker"

5- Compute new Signal

It is possible to affect several parts of signal with loop on steps "3-4" before computing a new signal.

How To Use

Step by step overview

Edit signal should be done according to the step by step procedure:

1- Load and preview signal, only the signal window should be opened:

2- Start the "Edit Signal" Add on, from Link toolbar:

3- Select mode from Edit Signal:


4- Apply "Free Marker" to select area to "cut":

5- "Generate Signal"

A new file is generated within the same project as the original signal file. For example, signal file "FRF200_3_out" has been created after cutting selected part of signal "FRF200_3"

Edit Signal Options


Remove all data : set to "zero" for selected part of current track

"Zero All"

Remove all data: set to "zero" for selected part of all tracks


Interpolate data for selected part of current track

This option is useful for track with DC component

"Cut all"

Remove a selected part for all tracks


Current Edit Signal" tool has the following features:

  • All tracks within the signal file must be in the same sampling rate
  • This tool can not manage Ext-Sync tracks
  • Size of edit file depends on available RAM of the PC

Note : Does not work with tachometer records as Ext synch.