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Go to result group

Online mode


  Start...: Opens the NVGate start dialog which is dedicated to make the first steps in the software. The NVGate start dialog is also displayed at each NVGate Start except if the user checks the option Do not show again in the dialog.
  Open project: Opens the NVGate Start dialog which is dedicated to make the first steps in the software. The Start dialog is also displayed at each NVGate Start except if the user deactivates the option in the bottom left of the dialog.
  New project: Opens the NVGate Start dialog which is dedicated to make the first steps in the software. The Start dialog is also displayed at each NVGate Start except if the user deactivates the option in the bottom left of the dialog.

  Online to Post-analysis: This button is used to switch from Online mode to Post-analysis mode. This will open the Select Signal window which lists all the recorded signals available. The selected signal will be then playback and can be re-injected into any plug-in analyzer (Monitor, FFT, 1/n Octave...). It is also possible to play back a recorded signal through the Output during Online analysis.

See player page for more details.

  Select inputs: Opens the Inputs selection dialog which allows activating and setting-up the dynamic inputs in a fast and smart way.
  Show results: Opens the Results dialog which allows displaying and saving results without connecting inputs or tracks to the plug-in analyzers in advance.
  Results overview: Opens the Results overview table which summarizes all the displayed and saved result (i.e. present in the Save Selection list)

Post-analysis mode


  Post-analysis to online: This button is used to switch from Online mode to Post-analysis mode.
  Select signal: Opens the Select signal dialog to select the signal to be post-analyzed.
  Select tracks: Opens the Inputs table showing the inputs definition of the signal to be post-analyzed.

Measurement group


Note that another Run/Pause/Stop button is always available in the status bar (bottom left)

  Run: (CTRL+R) This button controls the general analysis and recording start. The plug-ins with connected channels/tracks will start their process once the run is activated.

Note: The monitor and the Time Domain Analysis (in free run mode) process is continuous; it do not depends on the run status.
Note: the trigger/start status of the plug-ins may block their process, waiting for an event.""
Warning: Pressing the run button during an analysis leads to reset all current analyses, restarting all averages from 0. The analyzed data will be lost.

  Pause: Suspend or un-suspend the current analysis.

Note: If the recorder is running, it starts / finishes a record.

  Stop: (CTRL+S) Stops all the current analyses and recording. After requesting a stop, the plug-ins finish their current block. When all the plug-ins have switched to Stop the analyzer switches to the Stopped status

Note: The analyzed results and recorded signal are saved when the analyzer switch to stop. This is the default behavior. It may be changed from the user preferences.

Save group


  Save measurement: Save the result of the last measurement. This button is available when:
  • There is at least one result selected in the save selection,
  • The measurement is stopped,
  • The result exists.
  Save option: Defines the way the results and signals are saved. It opens the Save setup dialog which contains 2 tabs.

Setup group


Load setup: Opens the Load setup dialog, which allows loading setups from Models, Measurements and Projects or creating setups for online or post-analysis.
Save as model: Enables to save the current setup as a Model.
Active model: Displays the name of the loaded Model. This Model will remain active until a Reset setup is applied or another setup is loaded.
Reset: Closes the active Model and set all parameters to the default values.

Data group

Attachment: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from a specified source to the current Projects database.
  Filter projects: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from a specified source to the current Projects database.

Disk group


Record: Enter the preferences setting at the 1st tab. It allows customizing the scales font size, the refreshing speed as well as default specialized modes.
Used space: Gives a visual overview of the disk occupation.
Download: Enter the preferences setting at the 1st tab. It allows customizing the scales font size, the refreshing speed as well as default specialized modes.
