These buttons provide direct access to the user’s preferences.
The user’s preferences are gathered in one unique dialog with multiple tabs. Following buttons provide direct access to the user’s preferences:
General: Enter the preferences setting at the 1st tab. It allows customizing the scales font size, the refreshing speed as well as default specialized modes.
Properties manager: Open the measurement properties setup. This tool allows managing the default and user defined properties. These property values are saved with the measurement and used to qualify it. Later, they may be incorporated into reports and for search functions.
Units & Quantities: Open the "Physical quantity" tab of the user’s preferences. It allows creating, modifying and removing the units and physical quantities used by the NVGate interface.
Reminder: NVGate process SI units. The selected Units with are used for display only, the data are not modified by the units changes.
Marker: Open the "Marker" tab of the user’s preferences. It allows changing the appearance and the number of the different marker types.
Graph: Open the "Graph" tab of the user’s preferences. It allows changing the appearance of the different graph types.
Window: Open the "Window" tab of the user’s preferences. It allows changing the appearance of the windows, their default arragement, the number and style of the cursors.
This group manages the transducers database which is used by NVGate to automatically setup the inputs and trace front-end status at measurement time.
Database: Opens the transducer database saved on the computer.
Merge: Merge multiple transducer databases into one. The merged .cdb is the one currently used by NVGate (file: TransducerDB.cdb located in the NVGate.exe directory)
Export: Allows exporting the current database (file: TransducerDB.cdb located in the NVGate.exe directory) in csv format.