NVGate Licence Keys Troubleshooting

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Standard process

  • 1) Select the item (analyzer or dongle) for which you want to update the license keys.
  • 2) Select the .ZIP archive containing your new license key files.
  • 3) The license key files will be automatically copied in the NVGate installation folder and the keys of your analyzer and USB dongle will be encrypted.

Update process.png if any issue

Troubelshooting: Encrypt using NVGate environment

If any issue during the encrypt keys, follow this process :

1) Extract the .zip keys file

2) Rename the .txt by a .bat

3) Copy the keys (.bat and .cfg) on the install directory of NVGate (next to NVGate.exe)

4) Plug dongle and analyzer

5) go on NVgatecfg.exe (NVGate environment next to NVGate.exe)

5) Tab Update, click on encrypt hardware keys and encrypt dongle keys.


The dongle/hardware is updated.

Issue remain Troubelshooting

USB Dongle

Driver for USB dongle is sentinel driver, check than the driver of dongle is correctly installed : C:\OROS\Programs\NVGate\checkconfig.exe

Does sentinel driver is installed ?

  • If yes, we can think USB dongle is defected, please contact your local distributor.
  • If no :

On install folder of NVGate check the folder : SentinelDriver_7.6.9 . Do a custom install and install this.

Sentinel driver.png

When install is finish please reboot the PC

now check if sentinel driver is installed and try to rencrypt the keys.

hardware dongle

If issue when you encrypt hardware keys:

Launch: dongleupdate.exe (next to NVGate.exe)

Target : Hard

Get key.

Then verify than the dongle ID is the same than the serial number on the licence file.

If there is no results, put a fixed IP adress on the hardware by default and put a fixed IPV4 adress on the PC (exemple of compataible adress:

Then do a get key again

Then if any issue please contact you local distributor with a print screen of dongleupdate.exe .