NVGate Ribbons: Acquisition

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Inputs group

The inputs group allows dispatching the front-end channels to the analyzer's plug-in and setting up the front-end. This group is visible in Online mode only.

Acquisition inputs group 2022.PNG

Acquisition connect inputs.PNG Connect Inputs: Allow dispatching the front-end inputs (all type) to the analysis plug-ins.
Acquisition inputs 2022.PNG Inputs: Allow modifying the dynamic input properties. Available when at least one input is active.
Acquisition parametrics 2022.PNG Parametrics: Allow modifying the parametric input (DC) properties. Available when at least one DC input is active.
Acquisition external syncs 2022.PNG External syncs: Allow modifying the digital trigger inputs properties. Available when at least one Ext synch input is active.
Acquisition autorange 2022.PNG Autorange (CTRL+SHIFT+A): Control and start the auto-ranging procedure. See Chapter 1 ASB § Front-end/Auto-range for details.
Reports Tools Ribbons 281.png Bridge auto-zero: Balance the inputs connected through the Wheatstone bridge Xpod. See Chapter 1 ASB - § front-end/inputs settings for details.

Player group

This group is visible in Post-analysis mode.

Acquisition player 2022.PNG

Reports Tools Ribbons 328.png Connect tracks: This button allows dispatching the signal tracks (all types) to the analysis plug-ins.
Reports Tools Ribbons 329.png Record number: Define the record number (i.e. a section in the file defined during the acquisition) to be post-processed.
Reports Tools Ribbons 276.png Player settings: Give a direct access to the Player settings
Reports Tools Ribbons 333.png Playback mode: Allows choosing between a continuous and a step/step post-process.
  • Continuous: the signal analyses are processed as fast as possible between the start and stop offset.
  • Time step: the signal analyses are processed step by step. The step duration is defined by the Step setting (see hereafter). Each new step is manually (or automated by a macro) triggered through the Step setting (see hereafter).
Reports Tools Ribbons 334.png Step: Defines the time duration of the playback step for the "Time step" analysis mode. The player switches to "pause" every "time step" second.
Reports Tools Ribbons 335.png Pause/Cont.: Enables to perform the post-analysis up to the next step.

Transducers calibration

Enables to calibrate the sensors. This group is active only in connected mode.

Transducers calibration 2022.PNG

Calibration 2022.PNG Calibration: Open the calibration procedure tool.
Detect teds 2022.PNG Detect TEDS: Start the sequence for detecting transducers (or missing one) equipped with an electronic datasheet inside (TEDS: Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) connected to the front end.

See transducer and sensor page for details.

Virtual Inputs group

This group gives access to the real-time computation between channels. It is grayed out if the Virtual Inputs option is not available with the user's licenses or if no input/track is connected to this plug-in.

Acquisition virtual inputs 2022.PNG

Acquisition VI dynamic.PNG Dynamic: Allow modifying the virtual dynamic input properties. Available when at least one input is connected to the Virtual Input plug-in (Use the Connect Inputs button from the Inputs group for that).

Note: the Virtual Input plug-in is optional, it may not be available on the license. In that case, this button is grayed out and the Virtual Input plug-in is not present in the Connect Inputs window.

Acquistion VI parametric.PNG Parametric: Allow modifying the virtual parametric input properties. Available when at least one input is connected to the Virtual DC plug-in (Use the Connect Inputs button from the Inputs group for that).

Note: the Virtual DC plug-in is optional, it may not be available on the license. In that case, this button is grayed out and the Virtual DC plug-in is not present in the Connect Inputs window.

See Virtual Input page for details.

Tachometers group

Manage the tachometer resources. This group allows selecting the tach type (source, setup) and associates it with the plug-in analyzers and waterfall.

Acquisition tachometers 2022.PNG

Acquisition select tachometer.PNG Select: Allow dispatching the different tachometer types to the plug-in analyzers.
Acquisition tachometers inputs.PNG Inputs: Open the properties dialog for the tachometers based on a dynamic input. Used to define up to 4 tachometers using signal from fast analog inputs (from the Front-end or from the Player).
Acquisition tachometers ext sync.PNG Ext. Sync: Open the properties dialog for the tachometers based on a high speed oversampled Ext Synch input. In acquisition mode, the tach Ext synch comes from the frond-end.

In post-analysis mode, we connect player track on tachometer Ext sync resource.

Acquisition select fractional.PNG Fractional: Open the properties dialog for the tachometers that derives from another one. Fractional tach. computes RPM speed for a non accessible shaft by using gear ratio setting. Used to define up to 4 fractional tachs using data from the tach or the Ext Tach.

Note: the fractional tach. cannot be settled from the Ribbon, use the ASB for it

Acquisition tachometers profile.PNG Profile: Set up the tachometer profiles duration. These graphs are available for the Tachometer module in the Add/Remove graph dialog.(from 10s to 1200s). The profile displays continuously the tachometer speeds with a memory depth defined by the profile setting.
Acquisition tachometers resolution.PNG Resolution: Define the shortest time between 2 angular speed values saved in the profile.
Acquisition tachometers combined.PNG Combined: Open the properties dialog for the tachometers computed from other ones. Adapted for CVT.

Note: the combined tach cannot be settled from the Ribbon, use the ASB for it.

Events group

Acquisition events tab 2022.PNG

Events associate to.PNG Associate to:
Event edge 2022.PNG Edge: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from the current Projects database to a specified target.
Event level 2022.PNG Level:
Event periodic 2022.PNG Periodic:
Event RPM 2022.PNG RPM:
Event delta RPM 2022.PNG Delta RPM:
Event combined 2022.PNG Combined:

Filters group

Acquisition filters group.PNG

Filters apply to.PNG Apply to: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from a specified source to the current Projects database.
Filters high low 2022.PNG High/Low pass:
Filters pass stop 2022.PNG Pass/Stop band:
Filters integrator 2022.PNG Integrator:
Filters differentiator 2022.PNG Differentiator:

Outputs group

Acquisition output group.PNG

Outputs signals.PNG Signals: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from a specified source to the current Projects database.
Outputs sine 2022.PNG Sine:
Outputs multi sine 2022.PNG Multi-sine:
Outputs swept sine 2022.PNG Swept-sine:
Outputs chirp 2022.PNG Chirp:
Outputs random noise 2022.PNG Random noise:
Output settings 2022.PNG Output settings: