NVGate Ribbons: Acquisition

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Inputs group

The inputs group allows dispatching the front-end channels to the analyzer's plug-in and setting up the front-end. This group is visible in Online mode only.

Acquisition inputs group 2022.PNG

Acquisition connect inputs.PNG Connect Inputs: Allow dispatching the front-end inputs (all type) to the analysis plug-ins.
Acquisition inputs 2022.PNG Inputs: Allow modifying the dynamic input properties. Available when at least one input is active.
Acquisition parametrics 2022.PNG Parametrics: Allow modifying the parametric input (DC) properties. Available when at least one DC input is active.
Acquisition external syncs 2022.PNG External syncs: Allow modifying the digital trigger inputs properties. Available when at least one Ext synch input is active.
Acquisition autorange 2022.PNG Autorange (CTRL+SHIFT+A): Control and start the auto-ranging procedure. See Chapter 1 ASB § Front-end/Auto-range for details.
Reports Tools Ribbons 281.png Bridge auto-zero: Balance the inputs connected through the Wheatstone bridge Xpod. See Chapter 1 ASB - § front-end/inputs settings for details.

Player group

This group is visible in Post-analysis mode.

Acquisition player 2022.PNG

Reports Tools Ribbons 328.png Connect tracks: This button allows dispatching the signal tracks (all types) to the analysis plug-ins.
Reports Tools Ribbons 329.png Record number: Define the record number (i.e. a section in the file defined during the acquisition) to be post-processed.
Reports Tools Ribbons 276.png Player settings: Give a direct access to the Player settings
Reports Tools Ribbons 333.png Playback mode: Allows choosing between a continuous and a step/step post-process.
  • Continuous: the signal analyses are processed as fast as possible between the start and stop offset.
  • Time step: the signal analyses are processed step by step. The step duration is defined by the Step setting (see hereafter). Each new step is manually (or automated by a macro) triggered through the Step setting (see hereafter).
Reports Tools Ribbons 334.png Step: Defines the time duration of the playback step for the "Time step" analysis mode. The player switches to "pause" every "time step" second.
Reports Tools Ribbons 335.png Pause/Cont.: Enables to perform the post-analysis up to the next step.

Transducers calibration

Enables to calibrate the sensors. This group is active only in connected mode.

Transducers calibration 2022.PNG

Calibration 2022.PNG Calibration: Open the calibration procedure tool.
Detect teds 2022.PNG Detect TEDS: Start the sequence for detecting transducers (or missing one) equipped with an electronic datasheet inside (TEDS: Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) connected to the front end.

See transducer and sensor page for details.

Virtual Inputs group

This group gives access to the real-time computation between channels. It is grayed out if the Virtual Inputs option is not available with the user's licenses or if no input/track is connected to this plug-in.

Acquisition virtual inputs 2022.PNG

Acquisition VI dynamic.PNG Dynamic: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from a specified source to the current Projects database.
Acquistion VI parametric.PNG Parametric: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from a specified source to the current Projects database.

See Virtual Input page for details.

Tachometers group

Acquisition tachometers 2022.PNG

Acquisition select tachometer.PNG Select:Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from the current Projects database to a specified target.
Acquisition tachometers inputs.PNG Inputs:
Acquisition tachometers ext sync.PNG Ext. Sync:
Acquisition select fractional.PNG Fractional:
Acquisition tachometers profile.PNG Profile:
Acquisition tachometers resolution.PNG Resolution:
Acquisition tachometers combined.PNG Combined:

Events group

Acquisition events tab 2022.PNG

Events associate to.PNG Associate to:
Event edge 2022.PNG Edge: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from the current Projects database to a specified target.
Event level 2022.PNG Level:
Event periodic 2022.PNG Periodic:
Event RPM 2022.PNG RPM:
Event delta RPM 2022.PNG Delta RPM:
Event combined 2022.PNG Combined:

Filters group

Acquisition filters group.PNG

Filters apply to.PNG Apply to: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from a specified source to the current Projects database.
Filters high low 2022.PNG High/Low pass:
Filters pass stop 2022.PNG Pass/Stop band:
Filters integrator 2022.PNG Integrator:
Filters differentiator 2022.PNG Differentiator:

Outputs group

Acquisition output group.PNG

Outputs signals.PNG Signals: Enables to copy or move Projects / Measurements / Models from a specified source to the current Projects database.
Outputs sine 2022.PNG Sine:
Outputs multi sine 2022.PNG Multi-sine:
Outputs swept sine 2022.PNG Swept-sine:
Outputs chirp 2022.PNG Chirp:
Outputs random noise 2022.PNG Random noise:
Output settings 2022.PNG Output settings: