Hardware battery
Let's find general information and FAQ about battery information.
This page could be not up to date. Be aware than regulation about battery and transportation can cahnge over time. Please follow the regulation of your country and your carrier for up to date information.
OR35V1 - OR36 and OR38 : V1 V2 TW
Nimh battery.
MSDS: OR36 and OR38 : V1 V2 TW
Lithium ions battery.
MSDS Lithium ions OR35 TW battery
Lithium ions battery
nimh Battery OR34 MSDS
Cargo transport
For nimh battery -OR34V1 - OR35V1 - OR36 and OR38 : V1,V2 , TW
no Restriction , nothing to declare.
For lithium ion OR35TW and OR10
It is Forbiden to transport a battery alone. The battery need to be inside the analyzer.
(With DHL you can can have some issue for lithium ion battey , we advice to avoid DHL for this.)
Contact your carrier to inform him. Genreally speaking, on the shipping document you can thick a box and say you have lithium ion battery INSIDE the material.
Then you need to download this 2 document below and put it on the parcel. doc 1 and doc 2
Traveling by airplane
Lithium ion battery : OR35TW and OR10 Lithium ion
Forbiden in “check it in”
Ok in hand luggage.
Nimh batterie : OR34V1 - OR35V1 - OR36 and OR38 : V1,V2 , TW
OK to check it in.
OK in hand luggage.