NVGate 2021: Release note fr

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OROS s'efforce d'être au plus près de ses utilisateurs, en écoutant attentivement leurs besoins et leurs demandes. Pour cette raison, OROS publie régulièrement de nouvelles versions. Les clients sous contrat bénéficient automatiquement de chaque version.

Screenshot 2020-12-21 102850.png

La version majeure NVGate® 2021 est disponible depuis janvier 2021. Cette version de la plate-forme logicielle de l'analyseur OROS 3-Series apporte des fonctionnalités supplémentaires et des améliorations significatives en terme de performances. Voici un résumé des principales améliorations:

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Help is now available online with a powerful search engine. An offline version is available as well for when you are in the field.
Filter 2021.png
Relax the limits of filtering!
Cut off frequencies of filters, Butterworth and new Chebyshev type I and II, can now be chosen very flexibly.
Kinematik 2021.png
Tracking my bearing frequencies on RPMs variations
Kinematik markers are now tracking the frequency lines as the speed fluctuates.
Gps 2021.png
Enrich your measurements in real time with GPS information.
Simulated dc.png
Using the DC simulated function, one can now associate NVGate results with information from external software in real time using NVDrive.
Orbit 2021.jpg
Draw those orbits!
Orbits can now be displayed directly in NVGate with FFt-Diag option.
Calibration 2021.png
Dynamical inputs can now calibrate DC sensors with y = ax + b formula.
Human 2021.png
How much does this body shake?
A new add-on is available to apply human vibrations filters and calculate associated quantities.

Cette release note décrit le contenu de la version avec des détails sur son fonctionnement.
Pour télécharger et installer NVGate 2021, visiter cette page.

Compatibilité: NVGate 2021 est compatible avec tous les systèmes OROS qui sont toujours maintenus. Selon les options et la version hardware dont vous disposez, certaines fonctionnalités peuvent ne pas être disponibles.

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Help search.png

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Si vous n'êtes pas connecté à Internet, ce qui peut souvent arriver sur le terrain, le manuel NVGate.pdf sera ouvert. Ce fichier se trouve dans le dossier "Manuals" du répertoire d'installation de NVGate.

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Nous avons inclus des tutoriels vidéo dans ce wiki pour vous aider à utiliser les logiciels OROS.

Suivre les fréquences kinématiques lors de variations de vitesse

Les kinematic markers suivent le tachymètre de la FFT

Les kinematic markers peuvent maintenant être associés à la vitesse du tachymètre. Ainsi, lors d'une montée en régime, la position des kinematic markers s'ajuste automatiquement sur les spectres FFT en fonction de la vitesse.

Comment l'utiliser: Selectionner un tachymètre dans les paramètres de la FFT.

Kiné fft.png

Puis afficher un spectre FFT ou un spectre d'enveloppe. Selectionner un kinematic marker et le placer dans la fenêtre par double-clic.

Kiné select.png

Maintenant le marker est associé à la vitesse du tachymètre de la FFT.

Ensuite, vous pouvez (ou non) lier le marker à la vitesse (clic droit sur le marker -> Properties).

Kiné select active.png

Installation automatique de la base de données

Maintenant la base de données Excel des kinematic markers contenant des paliers de NSK, SKF, FAG, SNRn, GMN, INA, RHP est installée automatiquement.

Elle se trouve dans le dossier: "NVGate Data\Markers\Kinematic\"

Accès direct à la base de données

En cliquant sur "open folder", vous accédez directement au dossier dans lequel se trouve la base de données Excel des kinematic markers. Ainsi, vous pouvez modifier facilement la base de données si vous avez besoin de rajouter des types de paliers.

Kiné select edit.png

Les limitations sur les filtres sont assouplies !

Tous les détails sur les filtres se trouvent ici

Plus de flexibilité pour les fréquences de coupure

Pour garantir la stabilité des filtres, il existe certaines contraintes sur la valeur de la fréquence de coupure. Par rapport à la version précédente de NVGate, ces contraintes sont désormais considérablement assouplies.

Image 2020-11-27 095451.png

POur les filtres passe-haut et passe-bas, la valeur maximale de la fréquence de coupure correspond à la fréquence d'analyse de l'input(frequency range) FR. La valeur minimale correspond à FR / 50000 en mode office et FR / 40000 en mode connecté. Dans la version précédente de NVGate, la valeur minimale était 'FR' / 40 pour le filtre passe-bas et 'FR' / 400 pour le filtre passe-haut.

Pour les filtres passe-bande et coupe-bande, la fréquence de coupure basse f low et la fréquence de coupure haute f high doivent remplir les conditions suivantes en mode Office:

  • flow ≥ 0.0001 * FR
  • fhighFR
  • 0.0004 * FRfhigh - flow ≤ 0.9998 * FR

En mode connecté, les conditions sont les suivantes:

  • flow ≥ 0.0005 * FR
  • fhighFR
  • 0.000675 * FRfhigh - flow ≤ 0.99 * FR

Dans la version précédente de NVGate, les conditions sur la fréquence de coupure étaient les suivantes:

  • flow ≥ 0.055 * FR
  • fhighFR
  • 0.0075 * FRfhigh - flow ≤ 0.99 * FR

La précision améliorée

Maintenant, les filtres sont calculés en format 64-bit floating point en mode office et 40-bit floating point en mode connecté. Dans la version précédente de NVGate, le format était 32-bit floating point dans les deux modes.

Nouveaux types de filtres

En complément des filtres Butterworth, maintenant vous pouvez utiliser des filtres IIR du type Chebyshev type I (band-pass ripple) ou Chebyshev type II (stop-band ripple).

Le filtre Butterworth a une réponse plate en passe-bande et coupe-bande mais sa bande de transition est large.

The Chebyshev type I (band-pass ripple filter) has the steepest roll-off among the three filters, and its response in the stop band is flat. However, it has ripples in the pass band.

The Chebyshev type II (stop-band ripple) filter has flat response in the pass band, but it has ripples in the stop band. Its transition band is narrower than the Butterworth filter, but wider than the Chebyshev type I.

Below is an example showing these three filters with the same filter order.

Filters 3.png

Thanks to its maximal flat frequency response in the pass band, the Butterworth filter is commonly used in applications where signal distortion should be minimized, such as audio noise reduction. It is also widely used for anti-aliasing. The Chebyshev filters are optimized to provide steep roll-off, and they are usually used in applications where the maximum rejection of the nearby frequencies is required.

Ordre des filtres plus élevé

L'ordre des filtres affecte la raideur de leur décroissance. PLus l'ordre est élevé, plus la trnstion entre le passe-bande et coupe-bande est brutale. Voici un exemple montrant l'influence de l'ordre du filtre:

Butterworth freq response.png

Pour les filtres passe-haut et passe-bas, l'ordre des filtres peut maintenant être choisi entre 1 à 40 en mode Office et entre 1 à 10 en mode connecté. Dans la version précédente de NVGate, l'ordre maximum du filtre était de 6.

Pour les filtres passe-bande et coupe-bande, l'ordre des filtres est de 2 * N, et N peut maintenant être sélectionné entre 1 et 30 en mode Office, et entre 1 et 10 en mode connecté. Dans la version précédente de NVGate, la valeur maximale de N était de 5.

1/n Octave - Plus de limitation pour le niveau global

La plage de fréquence pour le calcul du niveau global dans le module 1/n Octave peut maintenant être modifiée. Vous pouvez définir la fréquence minimale et la fréquence maximale. Le niveau global est calculé dans le domaine temporel (filtre de pondération et détecteur). En appliquant la pondération dans le domaine temporel, les résultats sont précis pour les signaux non stationnaires (impulsionnels).

Octave filter.png

Full range mode calcule le niveau global sur toute la plage de fréquences à l'exception de la composante DC du signal. (la fréquence minimale correspond à "CPB filters Lower central frequency"/5). Limited range: l'utilisateur a la possibilité de choisir la plage de fréquences en changeant les fréquences de coupure basse et haute.

Enrich your measurements in real time: from GPS to environmental metadata

The DC simulated inputs allow you to inject up to 32 external DC channels in NVGate from external source (example : GPS, weather station, external can bus...). The frequency sampling is up to 15 samples / second. Thanks to the python developer toolkit, a developer can easily develop an interface to inject the values into NVGate. The GPS and weather station below have been developed using the DC simulated.

This option is included with the reference ORNV-VI-DC (which also includes the Virtual input).

How to use it:

On the Acquisition Tab, select connect input, select the DC inputs and select the DC simulated channels.

DC simulat.png

These channels can be activated and connected to the recorder and/or waterfall like any other DC channels.

DC simul.png

The settings Value (which can be controlled by an external software) will change the value of the inputs.

The other DC simulated settings details are explained on the front end settings page.


Thanks to the "DC simulated channels" we have created an Add-on to record GPS data.

The GPS have the following features

  • Record the X-Y GPS coordinates.
  • Record and display the speed profile.
  • Use the speed profile as a waterfall reference.
  • Create a .gpx and display it on an internet website if you have an Internet connection).

You can visit the dedicated page to download it and advanced configuration. : https://wiki.oros.com/wiki/index.php/NVGate_DC_Simulated_Manager

We have 2 ways to acquire the GPS position, android phone or GPS Compliant with NMEA 0183 standard.


We are compatible with GPS USB Serial Interface Compliant with NMEA 0183 standard GPGGA

We recommend the GPS USB Navilock NL-602U but other GPS units will work as well.

Gps navilock.jpg

Android GPS

GPS phone.png

GPS data can also be retrieved using Android ADB (Android Debug Bridge). If you plug your android phone, we can inject the GPS position into NVGate.

How to use it

Once the gps is plugged and configured, click on inject data, this will put the value on the DC simulated inputs.

GPS process 2.png

Then you can use these channels on NVGate.

If you need to record the data, click on connect input, go on DC input tab, then drag and drop the DC simulated channels on recorder. GPS process.png

If you have recorded the data you will be able to create a .gpx file

Creating and visualize .gpx file

We can create a .gpx from an .oxf (OROS) signal file. a .gpx is gps file to follow the geographic information of the signal on a map.

You need to click on "Convert signal to gpx". GPS creategpx.png

This will open the windows below. Signal gpx.png

Select the signal file that you need to convert and click on load data. You can modify the channels if needed. Click on create .gpx. The .gpx will be put in the "attachement" folder of the NVGate project.

If you want to visualize the .gpx we advise using the website : https://www.gpsvisualizer.com/ Clicking on "Click here to visualize the .gpx on a website" opens a website allowing you to plot the gpx on a map.

Weather station

Precipitation, wind speed/direction, pressure, temperature, and pressure can prejudice sound pressure levels or need to be recorded when you are doing sound measurement.

Thanks to the DC simulated channels, we can now enter manually the value or we can connect a weather station to NVGate.


The user can enter manually the weather value.

Weather manual.png

Davis instruments weather station


3 elements are required to make it work

- 6322OV Wireless Vantage Pro2 Integrated Sensor Suite

- 6316 Wireless Envoy

- 6510USB WeatherLink Data Logger.

This weather station provides accurate, reliable weather monitoring with real-time data updates every 2.5 seconds. Sensor suite includes outside temperature and humidity sensors in a passive radiation shield, wind speed and direction, and rainfall.

Note : The weather Station needs to pass by OROS SA for configuration.

Other weather stations

Please contact OROS to check the possibility to import the data (paid service).

DC Dynamical sensor y = ax+b calibration

It is now possible to calibrate a dynamical sensor in "DC" or "DC floating" coupling using 2 values, then the software will automatically compute sensitivity and offset to obtain the "y = ax + b" formula.

This function is practical for 4-20 mA sensors or “quasi-static” sensors acquired on dynamic channels. Wire sensor displacement sensor calibrated with a rule, pressure sensor with a calibrated compressor, proximity probe calibrated with a micrometer.

For using it, first create a DC sensor on the sensor database. Then apply this sensor to a channel.

Now on the calibration part, you can calibrate it using 2 values. Then the software will automatically apply the sensitivity and offset.


Remove a sensor from history

If you have made a mistake during a sensor calibration, you can now delete a value from calibration sensor history. Remove caibration.png

You need to go on history, select the sensor, select the value that you need to delete, then click on remove.

How much does this body shake?

The OROS Body Vibration tool allows you to evaluate the effect of vibration on the human body according to standards ISO 2631 and ISO 5349. These standards define measurement practice and vibration signal analysis to evaluate the effect on health and comfort of environmental and equipment vibrations on the Human body.

The ISO 2631 describes the effect on health and comfort of vibration on the whole-body in transportation system, and the ISO 5349 the effect on health of vibration on hands and arms when manipulating machine-tools or vibrating objects.

This is a post analysis toolkit, operating after the recording of the signal. It will calculate time-weighted signal of acceleration and specific indicators both defined in the standards.

OROS BodyVib.png

Standards compatible: international standards about whole/body vibration including: ISO 5349, ISO 8041, ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5.

Whole/body Vibration Indicators include : VDV, MSDV, MTVV, Weighted raw, al(ISO 2631-5), D(ISO 2631-5) are available. RMS, Peak, Crest, peak-Peak, are also available in NVGate plug in.

Body vibration indicators
Maximum Transient Vibration Value, represent the maximal RMS value of the signal
Vibration Dose Value, taking into account the temporal shocks in the signal
Motion Sickness Dose Value, representing the comfort in transportation measurement
The Acceleration Dose, representing the effect of the vibration on the spine
Daily maximal exposure value (Calculated from Post processing in NVGate)
Amplitude Peak of the vibration; maximal amplitude of the signal from the 0 (Calculated from Post processing in NVGate)
Ratio between the Peak level and the RMS of the weighted signal(Calculated from Post processing in NVGate)

Signal filtering including:

Time-weighting filters
Time weighting for the Z axis for whole-body measurement (ISO 2631-1)
Time weighting for the X and Y axis for whole-body measurement (ISO 2631-1)
Time weighting for the hand-arms measurement in any direction (ISO 5349-1)
Time weighting for motion sickness measurement in the vertical direction (ISO 2631-1)
Time weighting for the X axis for whole-body measurement (ISO 2631-1)
Time weighting for all rotational directions for whole-body measurement (ISO 2631-1)
Time weighting for the Z axis for head comfort measurement (ISO 2631-1)

How to use it: https://wiki.oros.com/wiki/index.php/Human_Vibration

This Add-on is free of charge for NVGate 2021 users and TDA (?)

Orbit display included in FFT diag or ORD diag

For customer with option FFT-Diag or ORD-Diag, they will now have the Orbit display available in NVGate.

Display Graphs Traces 122.png

The orbit is available using the add/remove windows.

For more details, please check the orbit dipslay page.


Displaying Time in Zoomed signal relative to measurement

It is now possible to display the time "relative to measurement" in zoom signal.

Zomm relative.png

  • Absolute time: displays the time from windows format.
  • Relative time: displays the duration of the record. The beginning of the record is set to 0.
  • Auto: selects absolute or relative time depending on the duration of the record. For records smaller than 2s, the relative time is displayed, for others, the absolute time is chosen.
  • relative to measurement: displays the duration of the record. The beginning of the record is set to the "player start offset"

NVdrive : SetViewmeterLevels

Using NVdrive, you can now control and set the alarm level, high level and low level.


Check the NVDrive toolkit for more info.

Bug fixing

  • 13728: [Fractional Tachometer] Using a fractional tachometer lead to DSP error -
  • 13729: [Drec] : Impossible to record more than 38 ch in Drec
  • 13672: Delta RPM with source DC tach (from monitor) - do not trig the waterfall
  • 10572: Low pass response for ICP and AC coupling poorly specified
  • 13811: NVDrive GetResultEx error while running without displaying result
  • 13774: Orbit display improvement
  • 13790: Change the number of displayed orbits
  • 13794: A problem of DRPM stop at 5000 RPM instead of 6000.
  • 13953: [General] A-weighting can be applied several times (report 13912)
  • 13938: Input type: Xpod bridge, one channel 5 doesn't work if 1 activated
  • 13767: Create a new unit : do not go on a "empty" windows, keep the previous configuration.
  • 13979: WIFI connection
  • 14011: import a template from NVgate to OR10 , the japanese label became wrong
  • 14009: OR10 Stand Alone : the japanese label data become wrong
  • 13912: A-weighting can be applied several times
  • 13984: Units - The number of digits doesn't change in a specific configuration