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The software interface features a status bar that continuously shows the different status of the hardware, analysis and ongoing actions.
The software interface features a status bar that continuously shows the different status of the hardware, analysis and ongoing actions.


The status bar is divided in 5 parts:
The status bar is divided in 5 parts:

Revision as of 11:47, 10 January 2022

Status bar

The software interface features a status bar that continuously shows the different status of the hardware, analysis and ongoing actions.

Status bar.png

The status bar is divided in 5 parts:

Control Tab

Reports Tools Ribbons 486.png Allows starting, pausing and stopping the analysis.

See Measurement tab/control group for details

Plug-ins progress bars

Shows the individual analysis status of the active plug-ins. The Progress bars appear automatically when the plug-in are activated (i.e: Inputs or tracks are connected to their channels).

Ex: Reports Tools Ribbons 487.png

Each progress bar displays:

  • A progress bar:
  • Indicates the current averaging number or analysis duration. In case of un expectable duration, the progress bar continuously run for one side to the other.
  • The color indicates the following real time status:
  • Green = real-time, all sample are processed.
  • Red = the analysis has encountered a non real-time situation, sample have not been analyzed.
  • A text: (AVT) SSSS: AAA
  • AVT = Average type
  • SSSS= Plug-in status (Stop, run, Paused, triggering,)
  • The text color indicates the current real-time status: Red = not real-time

Information area

In the top left of the status bar, contextual information and progress bar appear depending the on-going action. This concern the disk download, the setup and data saving and any long duration process from NVGate.

Inputs status LED

Shows the inputs/signal tracks status. The same status is displayed on the front-end LED.

Reports Tools Ribbons 488.png
The input is not active
Reports Tools Ribbons 489.png
The input is under loaded. The signal amplitude is more than 24 dB below the current input range.
Reports Tools Ribbons 490.png
Normal, the signal amplitude is between -24 dB and the input range.
Reports Tools Ribbons 491.png
An overload has been detected since the last run. The signal on the input is no more overloaded .
Reports Tools Ribbons 492.png
The input is overloaded.

Reports Tools Ribbons 19.png

A right-click on an active input status LED displays a pop-up menu. It is used to modify the range or any of the input parameters.

Front-end LED colors

For those who use OR36, Mobi-Pack and OR38 version 2, the front-end LED colors helps knowing what is connected and signal levels.

The LED statuses are:

Status Color on Front End Color on XPod
Dynamic inputs normal Green none
Dynamic inputs underload Cyan (clear blue) none
Every input type overload Red Red
Parametric input normal Yellow none
Parametric input underload Clear purple none
Strain gauges normal none Blue
Thermocouple JKTNB none Yellow, Green, Brown, Pink, purple
PT 100, PT1000 none Blue, Grey (low white)


This function is used to accept or reject a measurement when the FFT trigger accept mode is set to manual.


Reports Tools Ribbons 493.jpg Shortcut: Ctrl + Y. Accepts the last acquisition.


Reports Tools Ribbons 494.jpg Shortcut: Ctrl + N. Rejects the last acquisition.


Shows the battery and powering status:

Reports Tools Ribbons 495.png
The analyzer is powered by and external power
Reports Tools Ribbons 496.png
The analyzer is running on its battery

The battery level shows the available autonomy. The steps shows: 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 10% of battery charge. Note: The battery level is also replicated on the LCD screen of OR36 and OR38.

See user manual for details about battery

Connection mode

Depending the connection mode an analyzer or a display icon is displayed in the bottom right area.

Reports Tools Ribbons 497.png
Office mode. The software processes data from a signal file (post-analysis) in the PC or simulates the inputs for preparing a measurement setup.
Reports Tools Ribbons 498.png
Connected mode. The hardware is connected. The software runs the analysis on the DSPs directly from the inputs or post-processing signal files from the Mobi-disk.

Note: a fly over the Analyzer icon with the mouse will show the internal temperature and fan status of the analyzer.

Acquisition status

Reports Tools Ribbons 499.png
The acquisition and analysis are real-time
Reports Tools Ribbons 500.png
The acquisition is not real-time. The analyzer is not working properly. Both software and hardware should be restarted